
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hey ya made it! Welcome. Hope it was worth the hassle!
  • Alan Stanton

    Hi Peter,

    My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Your message, the Guardian story and your comment since, deserve a thoughtful and detailed reply - which I hope to type tomorrow.

    By coincidence, the betting shop issue came up at the Full Council meeting this evening. Unfortunately it was used to score party political points. It should be far too serious an issue for all that kids' playground nonsense.

  • Liz

    now we've had a pint together perhaps you'd like to join Kid stuff. I send out a little update with all the news and views and there's lots of info. Join us.
    Oh and it's Hugh's round!
  • Adam

    I think the best people are the local councillors and Brian Haley re: the Parks cuts


  • Liz

    Hello Peter,
    Yes, it is a children's centre which means that, as well as the current nursery for pre-school 3/4 years, there are plans for nursery places for under 3s as well as drop ins, baby groups etc. similar to Woodlands park. So yes, more children and very young ones at that in that area. Hope this helps!
    See you soon?
  • matt

    Hi Peter

    When we met with Hugh at the Salisbury we talked about setting up drinks at the pub one night in a month for other members on this site to meet up.

    It's going ahead and is happening on Tues March 4th 8:30pm. Hope you can make if you're not away.
  • matt


    Well done with the result last night regards the betting shop. I know the battle isn't over but at least it went the way it did last night. :)
  • Liz

    Well done Peter...if you can't collect your drinks on the 4th, we'll keep 'em ready for you.
  • Hugh

    Mexico City
  • John McMullan

    I'll be at the Salisbury on the 4th. Lausanne Rd is off of Ducketts common with the Greek church at the top :) See you then if you can make it.
  • matt

    No problemo!
  • Liz

    Hi, Peter nice to see you out yesterday. Sorry I didn't stop longer but lunch and small children were calling.
  • Birdy_Too

    Good to see you as well, I really wanted to watch the football in there last night but it seems that they have Salsa lessons instead in the back – I ask you!!

    I don’t mean to be disingenuous about the LSCP, I am very interested in what they can offer. My forthright approach is Northern unfortunately and sometimes is a little bold to say the least.

    Prior to Hugh posting on the Harringay Online site, I heard nothing about the LSCP which indicates maybe improvement is needed in getting across to a wider audience, which again is down to HOL and maybe yourself.

    If your objections are as a resident then fine that’s your decision as someone so close, but that’s and individuals opinion not a groups decision.

    Do you really think the OAE will open 10am-1am, seven days a week? I very much doubt it, it’s not cost effective. You know as well as I do the traffic they get, very small.

    It would have been similar on the Salisburys application, very generic and not accurate to what will happen in practise.

    Like 24 hour drinking legislation in general, I think the public, with the press’s coverage, were expecting riots on every high street, that hasn’t happened and I would imagine it wont happen either at the OAE.

    As you say a compromise is probably what is needed and the situation to be revised after six months or so, based on what has happened and not the worst possible scenario that could happen.
  • Birdy_Too

    I am at work at the mo and already spending far too much time dosing. I will check tonight at home. If you have links that would be great. Cheers Birdy
  • Liz

    Peter I couldn't agree more but you must admit that there is a resistance to harnessing the power of this site to achieve that, not from you or me, but I was most firmly put in my place when I suggested carrying on the discussions about recruitment and using the website, was I not? I don't think I can attend the next meeting as the husband is away and I have no one to watch the nippers but I may send in some email stuff about problem houses in Seymour and Warham. Between us we mention the LCSP quite often so I think we're doing our bit and my response to Birdy's comment should probably be deleted as it only makes sense to those who were in the last meeting and a public forum is not the place...
  • Liz

    I was one of those people who did put my trousers on and make my way to the meeting, recruited directly from the anti bookies campaign. One big problem is that the minutes make it appear that the people going to the meetings are representing neighbourhood watch goups, when in fact most of those groups no longer run on a formal basis, although the co-ordinators may still talk informally to people. It is confusing and, to be honest, I nearly didn't go because it looked like I needed to be leading a street group, although I now know this is not the case.
    We really should have a proper discussion about this as this is not the best way to exchange views of what is happening in that draughty chuch hall.
    No, I don't think there was deliberate rudeness but to have a long wide- ranging debate on possible reasons why no one is coming to meetings anymore in one meeting, and then put the discussion about solutions and ways forward to a slot five minutes before the end in AOB not as an agenda item in its own right says something about the lack of will to change.
  • Birdy_Too

    It was applied for at the time, I remember reading it on the pub window, worrying about meyself never leaving the pub. It seems the licensing team apply a little common sense then, which as I said will probably apply to the OAE and their new licence application.
  • Birdy_Too

    Eh up Peter

    Safari has been having a spot of bother although I think mine works now. I actually use Firefox which seems to be faster for me on a Mac which you can dowload for free here:

    Also try doing a search on your mac for plist, delete anything that has "Safari..... .plist" and restart.

    Hope that helps, let me know. Cheers mate
  • Birdy_Too

    Ahhhh, the dreaded firewall. That has caused me no end of bother.
  • GK/OD

    The request was mine.....I dealt with your neighbour
  • matt

    Hi Peter

    Invitation to join The Local Food Group;

    Hope you do!
