Chris Smith


Goldhanger, Essex

United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    hello Chris, have just read your little bio above. Did Babs Windsor really live round here? That's a brill snippet of info!
  • StephenBln

    I was at Woodlands until 1965.. The Indian teacher... I think she was the only non-english teacher at that time.. I seem to remember that the classrooms were repainted the teachers/children chose the colours.. hers was a deep blue, if I remember correctly.
  • Liz

    Thanks Chris, you are most welcome.
    Hugh has written extensively on the area especially the Arena and Stadium on wikipedia (link on the group) and we both are very keen to get people to contribute their memories/photos etc to ensure they are not forgotten. We find that people are fascinated by the words and pics on the site and that it triggers all kinds of memories for people.
  • Flower

    Welcome Chris .. it's good to read your memories of Harringay. The other night Barbara Windsor was depicted on tv here in Sydney in "Who do you think you are?" and I thought, "I know something they don't" Fascinating!
  • Arthur Astrop

    Agree with everything you say regarding recapruting memories. And I was born in Harringay in 1923, and left it for good in 1933, when my family moved to Surrey ! But I never really forgot my 10 years in and around Wightman Rd, Green Lanes etc etc. I too have found the responses to my few contributions to HoL most warming.
    Best wishes,
    Arthur Astrop