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  • Dave Morris

    Not sure what you mean - can you phone me to chat about it. 8211 0916


    Just wondering if you would be willing to set up a microsite on the site based around HFRA that would make it more visible on the site and enable you to post info/contacts/links all in one place making them easily accessible to members.
    I am encouraging any representatives of residents groups to use the Groups facility to create visible mini sites. I have put some information here.
    Some information on using and starting groups

    best wishes
  • Hugh

    Yup - you buy it outright. It's released later this month. I'll put up a posting on it over the next coupla days.
  • Dave Morris

    anytime! Maybe you can send me your phone number too...

  • matt

    Hi Liz

    Just to let you know I've also emailed Gina yesterday morning inviting her to join your Action on Housing group.
  • Gina Adamou

    Hi Liz, my aim is to develop an action plan to anable the Council to ensure that houses converted to HMO`s comply with the necessary legislation with particular reference to: reviewing current council policies that refer to HMO`s ensuring that they are effective, linked and have reference to the UDP. Also to adopt a cross service/multi agency Pro-active approach and to pilot the action plan in the wards of Harringay and St. Ann`s. We wil report back to the Area Assembly and Green Lanes Strategy Group. with regards gina Adamou
  • empyrean_aisles

    Hey Liz, thanks for your message - I learnt a lot about rural Ireland in the 1950s from the book! I agree Scoop would be fun - let's see what people say.
  • Gina Adamou

    Hi Liz, the Harringay and St. Ann`s wards councillors, Council Officers, Cabinet Members and the Chair of LCSP. We had two meettings and the next one is in May. I am not sure how long it will take.
    Gina Adamou
  • Hugh

    That'll be your husband cursing you under his breath for ordering the case of Krug on line.
  • RuthE

    Hi Liz
    I've noticed in lots of your emails you often add a useful link to other discussions etc, how do you do it?
    By the way, It looks like Scoop will be our next read in the book club, I'll send a message around.

  • StephenBln

    Waa..hey ...that'll might end up being something they'll remember when they're are as old as I am now... Dancing to March of the Mods as a kid... :o)
    Like me remembering my visit to the circus at the Arena..
  • David T

    Thank you! Remind me to tell you the story next time we join in a pint or several...
  • David T

  • Adam

    'share' what?!!!
  • Adam

    ok, understood!!!
  • John McMullan

    Are you ever going to wear that coat/jacket to drinks?
  • Alison P

    Hi Liz
    Good to see you last night. Keep me posted on the response you get to your Metrobet query. Off to sunny (hope!) France now and a week away from the highs and lows of Green Lanes ... Enjoy half term.
  • Joanna

    Thank you for the advice Liz, i also need to learn to read through my posts before I post them! Delete Comment
  • Sapphireblue

    Hi Liz am going to try and make it to that, but have something else on from 5 ish - a work do - so perhaps will call in on way back. Nice to meet you last night - hope the kids are behaving........!
    Anna x
  • StephenBln

    Hi Liz.. somehow I overlooked your comment on bike lanes..
    just read it now.. sorry

    We have bike lanes everywhere..! what sort do you need pictures of?
    On road ? Middle of the road, on pavement?
    let me know..

  • Sapphireblue

    Hi Liz
    yep I'm sure we'll be able to have a chat again soon Thanks Anna
  • Hugh

    I've done that LIz.
  • GK/OD

    You just have t phone EDF Liz. In the last 18 months since they`ve become aware of the problem they`re after it. Email me and I`ll give you their number when I`m at work.
    They`ll check the lot
  • AnnieH

    Hi Liz, Just to say how chuffed Nige and I were to meet you (the famous "Mrs E!") last night. We had a great night and to meet the lady who provides us with so much enjoyment from reading your blogs (and some of your piccies!) was fun! It's really good that as a group we're getting our voices heard on the anti litter/anti-social behaviour front. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon x
  • Sapphireblue

    Hi Liz yeh we didn't get time for a good chat did we? Next time!
  • Andrew

    Liz - I saw in your mail that a child's scooter had been found at the North Harringay fete... Polly our daughter lost her scooter around that time, but none of us can remember if she scooted to the fete, but I would recognise it if it were hers. Blue wheels I think. But I can't find any details of it on the site. Do you know where the scooter is? Or who to contact on the site?
  • matt

    Hey Liz

    Great salsa!


    Love the image of the pink flower above btw.
  • Andrew

    No, I realised that after I'd sent it. We'd lost it before the summer fete on the ladder. So never mind.

    Thanks anyway.
  • RuthE

    Hi Liz, absolutely yes, the date and time came up automatically when I created the event for rounders, I wanted to leave it as TBA to see if there was any interest first. Is there any way I could leave the date and time off the event? I was thinking a sunday afternoon would be good. Picnic is a great idea!
  • Sapphireblue

    thanks Liz will send it to him - someone in our street wrote it - its really good I think.

    I went to the poetry eve and it was really good Richard Tyrone Jones who runs it is a total nutter.. I bumped in to someone who was performing who I did one year of a poetry MA with - she is now a well known poetry perfromer and was excellent some singing, african music, she is a wordsmith... I did a few poems of my own also ....Richard is talking of transferring to Camden as the site has poor lighting and poor facilities... might be a slot soon to start another group...but management would have to be tackled....
  • empyrean_aisles

    Hi Liz, sorry for long delay posting that recipe but it's up now! We missed you at book club last week. I can't make the next one (at the end of August) but perhaps I'll see you at the one after that.
  • Hugh

    Thanks for joining the Wiki group - look forward to a pouring forth............
  • Sapphireblue

    Hi Liz spoke to Pauline about that letter she has alreadys sent it to Ian Sygrave - she said he is a 'lovely man'....
    The poetry evening went well - maybe come nx time - great performances...I did an 'open mic' spot too...
  • RuthE

    Hey Mrs E, thanks for sending out the group message about the next game of softball :)
    Did I get the wrong end of the stick in the pub about the group email thingy not working? (I was pist again) I'll see if I can send one to the book group. See you Thursday!
  • RuthE

    Hi Liz, what was the name of the next book for bookclub??? Brain = seive
  • RuthE

  • Rachel Fisher

    Hi Liz, it was really good to meet you last night at the Area Assembly. Hope to catch up again.
  • Margaret Fowler

    Hi Liz, I have just been doing the Tuesday picket about loss of Doctors' surgeries at St Ann's with some residents of St Ann's ward who said they boycotted last night's meeting because of the nastiness at the last one.They have always been stalwart attenders but that was one too many. The meeting and address was advertised in the Haringey Journal and on the Community noticeboard in the Gardens but there seem to be too many regulars who did not get formal letters of invitation. Something is going wrong with the delivery system. I received 2.
  • paulwilliam

    Hi Liz
    I've recently returned from being away with the fairies for the summer( ie not a flicker of a thought about the Haringey Passage has crossed my mind) but now no doubt will be putting some of my energy into the process of assesing where we are at with the continuous project of improving the passage. Another openday supported by the council is a distinct possibility though this may have to be planned for sunnier days ahead.With others I did carry out an audit on behalf of Living Streets in Feb and sent the findings to the appropriate souces for action. I think I shall first revisit the audit and see what actions have been carried out consequently and then write to Dasos Maliotis to clarify other concerns.I will continue to raise cleaning issues in the various commitees I attend and will try and post any news on the site, something I admit I have not been very good at to date. The word computerphobe comes to mind. Anyway thanks for bringing this up and I'll continue to do my best on this thorny subject!!
  • Chris Smith

    Hi Liz. Babs Windsor certainly did live in Harringay somewhere. I'm not sure of the exact location (I'm still trying to establish if I lived between Rutland and Roseberry or Roseberry and Chesterfield - we lived at 37c). I'm talking late 50's/early 60's here and I'm sure she lived in one of the flats just up the road from us.
  • Chris Smith

    That's 37c Grand Parade by the way.
  • Edel B

    Hi, I like your site! (Boring techie question, what cms does it use? Is CMS the right term, anyway, you know what I mean).
  • TTTH

    Yes I think it's time to put a face to my controversial comments ;o)
  • matt

    Liz, great photo of the mushrooms(?) ... stunning.
  • Andy Newman

    Hi Liz
    Yep really nice to meet up with you guys too, good to see the thumb nail picture faces come to life. I know I cant make the next meeting already as I have 2 things that night booked
    One being the results of Haringey in Bloom at the Civic Centre which I need to attend on behalf of the Community Garden and also we have our next Gardens Residents Assoc meeting that night also,
    In the mean time I will forward on the info as promised in the meeting to Hugh, Thanks Andy
  • Lucy Jaffe

    Hi Liz
    Yes, I will try to get more blog-tastic. One or two of your photos of the garden would be good to get up there. i will update on our current plans.
    Great to see you at the mural paintin on Sat.
  • Lucy Jaffe

  • Lucy Jaffe


    This summer we grew lots and lots of potatoes. Also beetroot, tomatoes, beans, onions, carrots, courgettes and herbs. The food was cooked by parents and everyone tasted it. What fun!

    Update on project to develop garden
    We were rejected for our applicationto Breathing Places to develop the garden along the school railings and across the alleyway.
    We were accepted by Tottenham Grammar Foundation and by Making the Difference - Haringey Council award - to carry out a smaller part of the whole project.

    Soon you will see long and deep veg boxes which will allow us to grow better veg.
    Also bat and bird boxes, some form of bog/water to attract insects.
    And more benches and seating.

    We are also looking for landscape architects or planners to help us to develop our playground plans.
    We are undertaking a consultation exercise across the whole school before Christmas. And will then need expertise to help us draw up our 'mega playground plan'. It will then be costed and we will start fundraising to achieve our vision.

    Let me know if you are interested in getting involved in any way.
    Especially compost, irrigation and garden specialists!
    p.s. Liz - I may have put this in the wrong place. Let me know or move it and let me know how to do it properly next time! Will try and get a picture of all the veg we harvested to put up and find out how from you!
  • Chris Smith

    Hi Liz
    I joined the History of Harringay group at last. I'm amazed at the memories that are coming back to me and the jogging of memories through comments from other members. It was a part of my life that largely seemed inaccessible to me but I'm starting to feel more in touch with my past now.
    This is a great site!
  • John McMullan

    I don't mind the bendy busses.... ;)
  • Justin Hinchcliffe

    OK - November's fine by me! X