

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Jo, welcom to the site, I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
    PS: We have another meber who's using the name "Jo". You may want to add the intial of your surname to make your screen name unique. Also feel free to change your image to one of your own.
  • Liz

    hi Jo, totally agree with you re litter
    Just one thing that may interest you about posting in a group, if you start a discussion in a group, it's a peculiarity of ning that it doesn't always show up in the latest activity but any replies do so I always write a short postscript, comment in the reply bit and then you can see it on the front page and get it noticed.
  • matt

    Hi Jo

    You maybe interested in joining the Local Food Group.

    A group to share knowledge of great places to buy good local food. Info on allotments, farmer's markets, community gardens, local producers, businesses & city farms.

    Hope you do. :)
