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  • Richard

    Thanks, bit sad that I do not know of them, or have forgotten if I ever did. Have not been to one of those neighbourhood forum things for a while, and our neighbourhood watch never really got off the ground
  • Hugh

    More grr!
  • Richard

    Hi Liz
    Thanks for really taking this on, I thought what Angela Ryan said was relly powerful. I will contact the church on Wilberforce Road. I know I am a bit thick at this, but you saidanyone could contact Karen or Carolyn via this forum. Do you mean I do it via you, or is there some other way?? Are they members as well?
    Thanks, Richard
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Liz,

    Do you know exactly what the current construction project is at South HarringayJS is attempting to achieve. Will it result in more children using the site? Just wondering if I can introduce it into the hearing against Better on Wednesday?
  • Lucy Jaffe

    My email at home is not working. Please allow for delays in response times!
  • John McMullan

    Yummy mummy is a term used by young men, not old ladies! Thank you very much for the warning although... bring on the old ladies, them I can handle, it's the large blokes with tattoos and men that look like school principals that scare me.

    If any old ladies give you a hard time again, please send them my way. I buy tea, am "perfectly" gentlemanly and have very little respect for the dogma of old age and incapacity.
  • John McMullan


    Large men with tattoos can be convinced by their mothers.
  • matt

    No I didn't. I'm really at a loss as to what to do with it all. We need to create some space ... for the next lot of kids stuff!
  • paulwilliam

    Hi Liz
    Indeed I do remember meeting you at the Salisbury. I have been campaigning for the last six years for improvements on the Passage.In 2003 I attended assembly meetings and raised the issues in the soapbox section. With likeminded parents at NHP I formed a campaigning group called A Healthy Passage For Harringay which started lobbying the Council Council Services and MP to demand improvements. I became a member of LCSP around this time and gained their support in the campaign. In 2004 I joined Living Streets(The National Charitable Organisation formerly known as The Pedestrian Association) which is the champion of walkers everywhere, working to redress the balance between cars and people in the Public Realm.We launched a Haringey Living Streets Branch on the Haringey Passage in October 2004.Over seventy people Including 16 ward councillors the Lead Councillor for Environment and not least the London Mayoral candidate (later deputy Mayor) Nicky Gavron took part in a Living Streets Community Street Audit of part of the Passage walking from South Harringay to North Harringay School where the official Launch was announced. The follow up to this was a meeting with the MP David Lammy and Lead Council members and officers and local councillors to discuss a Strategy for improvements. Needless to say since that time the Passage has transformed somewhat, but underlying problems and abuse still abound . Dog litter bins and waste bins have been installed. Surfaces have been renewed,new lighting installed,speed ramps put in around the schools.A cleaning schedule(not enough but at least there is one now!)ensures it is cleaned twice a weekTuesday and Friday. People have been forced to cut back their overhanging bushes from the path.I organised a competition at the schools which culminated in the new signs designed by a local schoolgirl.I did an assembly at North Haringey Primary on the twin evils of dumping/littering and dog fouling.We held an open day on the passage in2006 leafleting locals at four intersections and asking for their suggestions.We raised money from neighbourhood grants to erect the noticeboards at either end of the passage( Soon to be revamped and stocked with local history information sheets-(again provided from neighbourhood grants).Intermitantly I have met the Neighbourhood Manager Council Officers Councillors Dog Warden School Governors and Heads and conducted walking audits along the Passage in the last couple of years. As Secretary of Haringey Living Streets I have been on the Green Lanes Strategy Group and have regularily raised the Passage issues there.I am also on the Neighbourhood Police Panel and flag the Passage there as well. It is a continual mission!! In all these years with all the efforts that have been made by various parties there have been successes but I would say that the biggest failure has been in enforcement. Cameras were installed which didn't show anything or were stolen or vandalised!! There doesn't seem to be a will to spend the time and money needed to catch the people who allow their dogs to foul there and tackle/educate them.There aren't enough enforcers to do the work in the first place.Meanwhile all we can do is try and put energy in from the Community to keep this space improving. I did conduct an Audit a couple weeks ago with three other activists and am compiling that report today to submit to the Neghbourhood Manager.Hopefuly actions will be taken to remedy the faults we found. Ideas for the future-Another Open Day perhaps in Walk To School Week in May- A mass protest walk by both schools as a publicity stunt-Any other ideas welcome? A Healthy Passage for Haringey hasn't met for a couple of years .Maybe new people may wish to come to a meeting to share ideas?
  • John McMullan

    Good for him. I feel a little guilty about threatening the council with lawyers in this forum. They've helped us out with this impossible betting shop stuff. I just wonder if they're dodgy landlords too...
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Liz, no need to apologise, we were on a similar mission, but had yet to purchase our ingredients. I liked your link for a story-telling site, and I'm hoping to put it to the test later today, as my wife will be joining the Harringay mums at the Salisbury this evening, & I'll be left with young Henri. See you soon.
  • Martha

    Hi Liz - noticed from comment below that you may in the Salisbury this evening. if so, could I pop in and say hello (as another harringay mum). What time are you meeting?
  • Martha

    Yes, thanks I will try and come along on Tuesday evening.
  • Alison P

    Hello, thanks for the tip. Yes, very much looking forward to 4th, hope we can find nice things to talk about as well as dog poo!
  • matt

    Liz, sorry, I've only just seen this msg. Wonder why with some msgs we don't get alerts! Anyhow, thankyou muchly and yes you most certainly can have the chair. I'll have to dig it out (& bring along to the pub?).
  • Simon Key

    It's a pleasure, and thanks again for mentioning the shop. I can see that like me, you're very keen on your community, and the Harringay Community Webste is a great tool. Hope to see you soon.
  • Hugh

    Well if you're having a look, you can do what I asked Steve to do (i think you're right about who he is) - join up add you voice to the peer review of the rewrite and get that bloody awful title off slot 3 of a google search. (Just lie, say my rewrite is great - help it thru) Cheekily suggested the new title of "Harringay, Haringey, so good they named it twice?"
  • StephenBln

    OK you two .. I give in.. you have caught me red handed..
    KickIt2 is one of my other handles...... but that was quite a while ago.. maybe two years..?? Before I met Hugh "electronically" so to speak..

    Do you know the author of the article..?? I asked Hugh that too.. :o)
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Liz,
    Please excuse the vernacular, but I think it's all about getting bums on seats...
    We might get somewhere then. Hopefully all this discussion will achieve that and LCSP will have achieved it's goal to get greater participation, which it has been struggling to do for sometime now as you know.
  • PeterPiper

    Yes,I do agree with you, and I'm sorry that you felt you were put in your place. The whole business of recruitment is so difficult, not least the thought of sitting in a large cold empty room once a month.
    I recall when I was collecting signatures for the petition against the bookies etc with Mario, that several people asked me for information about where they could express their views, so I told them about LCSP, took their email addresses, and gave them to Ian who invited them to the next meeting, but they were all no shows and didn't even bother to answer by email. Sometime it gets very disheartening, you know - plenty of mouth but no trousers.
    As for the members of the LCSP, I can't believe that anyone of them would be consiously rude to you - everything is generally so polite.
    I agree that the LCSP has to become more accountable, and has become rusty through lack of participation for too long. Like a rusty bolt, one often has to apply more than one spray of WD40 before it is loosened.
    I'm looking forward to next Thursday, and hope there will be a good turnout, and that my expectations won't be dashed as in the past. These things take time, and I think a lot has moved on in the last 6 months even if you don't. I feel one always has to look long term at these things by their very nature. Look how long it took to get the pelican crossing at the bottom of Endymion Road for instance - more than 2 years of being fobbed off. Lobbying is never a one off shot, it's pressure, pressure and yet more pressure until the dam gives way.
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Liz,
    All points noted and accepted, I'm so happy that you did put your trousers on and come to the LCSP meetings, I think all your contributions have been very sincere and helpful. You've increased the attendance by 10%.
    I think the problem with the minutes is more due to historical oversight than anything else, as Glyn has explained earlier in his potted history. I'll phone Ian & suggest that he drops the NHW suffixes in future, whaddya say?
    I followed the link on the calendar page re LCSP meetings, and was suprised to learn that a post had been presented on 7/9/2007 to HOL setting out the aims & objectives of the LCSP, a coupla months before I'd heard about & joined HOL, with an open invitation to anyone, with no mention of NHW.
    Like you say in one of your replies to HFRA, it really is very difficult to keep up on what all the different associations, committees and groups are doing, save to say that obviously that there are a fair number of concerned people out there who are trying to make a difference in their own way and usually in their own time and expense, which is to be applauded. As you so rightly say what is really needed is for them to communicate better so that their combined weight of opinion is of a greater influence. Perhaps then Haringey Council will take more notice and not act in isolation, because they are the ones who need to be accountable after all, aren't they?
  • Alison P

    Ditto, was really good putting real faces to people. I'd be up for a get together, certainly.

    If you ever fancied meeting up for a coffee or something while you are with your youngest I'm around Thur/Fri and am always looking for things to do with Fred!
  • Birdy_Too

    Ta Liz,

    Must have about two mates now : )
  • Alison P

    Great. How about Friday morning (14th)??
  • Alison P

    Sounds great, let's sort out details next week. Ashamed to say have not been up to that bit of space since F was a little bubba so will be good to see how it looks.
  • John McMullan

    I had nowhere else to put it that was free... Don't worry, I won't put anything else on there. The picture uploading didn't work so I have just resubmitted it with links to the pictures. A shame as the pictures made it really.
  • Hugh

    Than kyo. Damn fiddly - great displacement activity!
  • matt

    Ah yes, it was a work of art. I was giggling away to myself as the creation unfolded!

    Alas humour is not allowed in this instance because of a higher order of things.
  • John McMullan

    Re: Hoodies, Sorry I did not mean to say "forget it, it won't work, it's pointless posting this stuff" but I think it came across that way. I was not that much of a hoodie when I was younger, I'm just such a straight boy now.
  • matt

    Not at all. That's my 'favourites' list. Nothing like a little urban grit to keep ones eyes open to the reality. :)
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Liz, sorry about the acronyms. F o FP are Friends of Finsbury Park. I was upset to see that one of the big chestnut trees by the New River bridge in the park had been felled earlier this week. I made the discovery when I went for a walk there yesterday.
  • Martha

    Morning Liz - apologies for the delay in responding. I think the Seymour/Warham ladies night is a grand idea. I bumped into Anette recently and it made such a difference to be able to say hi, to the neighbours!
  • matt

    Hi Liz
    I forget which comment thread you refer to. Personally I have no axe to grind with Crouch Enders or Crouch End. I hardly ever shop there. There are lots of cafe's to choose from. Would be nice to have a decent one at the bottom of my road rather than old men's clubs!
  • John McMullan

    "and I learned that the 'hard way'!'".... details?
  • John McMullan

    Good on you for chasing the LCSP Mrs E. I am taking my family off to Stockholm for easter so don't think I've died or anything because there are no posts :)
  • RuthE

    thank you Liz I'll bear that in mind next time I start a discussion, I wondered why nobody else had an opinion on it! Ruth
  • RuthE

    yes it makes sense. I hope all the book group members join the club, I'll send them an invite too.
  • matt

    Oh I wouldn't know the cafe's by name but there are about a dozen. All serving good food or snacks and coffee. Places that I'm happy to pop into if I'm spending a bit of time over there .... which is hardly ever.

    I'd love to have a local cafe' near were I live but there are none.
  • Birdy_Too

    Yes the comment should have been on Alison Ps page.

    Still getting use to the setup of this site : )
  • Flower

    Hello Liz
    Yes, I'll certainly have a go at writing up my memories. I shall have to marshall my thoughts into some semblance of order.
    Best wishes
  • Birdy_Too

    Forwarded it to Al : )
  • Simon Key

    hi Liz,
    i'd have loved to come, but that's the night of our first reading group in the shop, and i think i might be missed.
    Please don't forget me though as i'd like to meet all you guys over a drink sometime.
  • Clive Carter

    Liz: thanks for signing the petition. Re criminality, there may exist at least one example of criminal conduct, but much of the Council's conduct about the sale of AP comes under the heading 'unlawful' - and that's a really big heading. I am sure that the Council wishes that AP was not a Charity and especially that the law relating to charities did not exist. Unfortunately, the Council has engaged in a great deal of misleading about AP and little of what they (or their PR firm) say can be taken at face value. I suspect most of it stems from the unwillingness to take responsibility for the massive re-building cost over-runs in the 1980s. I would encourage you to learn more about this huge scandal. People power will prevail ! - Clive.
  • empyrean_aisles

    Hi Liz, thanks for your kind invitations to join the book club & the next lot of Salisbury drinks. I have to apologise for being awol from this site for a while (crazy set of deadlines at work, and my contract finishes in a few months so it all has to be done before then ...). We'll be out of town on the 8th April so unfortunately won't be able to make the drinks, but I'd like to try and get to the book club, which sounds like fun. See you there, hopefully! -- EA
  • Martha

    Hi Liz, I hope to be there! Along with my new short hair!
  • RuthE

    don't apologise, I need all the help I can get! I'm still finding my way around the site.
    Hope to see you Apri 7.
  • Anette

    See you on the 8th!
  • John McMullan

    I have a pass to attend the drinks, I doubt I'll get one for the LCSP meeting too. I'll see how the weekend goes but thanks for reminding me.
  • Birdy_Too

    Ahh, but I'm moving soon to another Ladder road : ) hush hush.

    Just got to sell our place, not a good time.
  • Jamie

    Hi Liz - that was kind of a joke, just reflecting what seem to be the hot topics! I take your point about it being an issue of numbers, though.