
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Jamie, welcome to the site. Hope you find it useful Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Liz

    Jamie, I noted your comment on being pro betting shops. I think the issue is not to rid the area of betting shops but the quantity of them on one small stretch of road. I am certainly not anti gambling and have spent a few Saturday mornings in them myself (often the only woman, but that is perhaps another issue) and also used to frequent casinos in my pre baby days. We need a good mix of shops and services on our main shopping street if this community is to attract and retain a good mix of people. 5 betting shops does not contribute to that, in my opinion. However, post your beliefs as to why you think we should not oppose them. Again, we have had posts from others who suggest they might support you.
    You have my support on being anti car (never even learned to drive, let alone own one) but be prepared for some flak (I got plenty) if you post about it :)
    As to fights, join us at the next HOL drinks (TBC) and see that we really are into love 'n' peace (and beer)
    Look forward to hearing from you