
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hey, welcome on board. Hope you find something useful here. As I said, it's a little chaotic, but if you dig around - use the links on the navigation panel on the main page as a starter, there's quite a lot on it.

    Check out the 1920s footage of Green Lanes. People sem to get a kick out of that.

  • Hugh

    Well, that looks like a promising start.

    Another thought just occurred to me. Adam, who's a member of this site (search the member page on....wel..Adam!), has two email lists he regularly circulates to - "Mums" & "Dads". I think they're both Harringay lists, biased towards the Ladder. It may be worth your messaging him to see if he mightn't mail them about what you're doing.

  • Hugh

    Thanks Liz. Yes, I know te FP site, you'll see he takes a small feed from this site. The Guardian story he ahs is the full version from the newspaper which I also published on the News page together with picture.

    I hadn't heard of the fb group. Thanks. I'll dig around.

  • Hugh

    PS: But I have to be careful on fb. I got banned last year for contacting people about the site!
  • Hugh

    248 members on that fb group - wow; fertile ground. Past experience says I may get 3 or 4. Seems like many are ex-residents. But every three or four helps - and who knows! Thanks Liz. Have to see if my post stays or gets deleted and I get booted out again!
  • Hugh

    I've just posted some events from sustainable Haringey. There's one that seems to be focussed on parents + kids.
  • Adam

    hi liz

    thanks for your message.

    tell me a bit more about your kidstuff project.

    best wishes

  • Hugh

    Shamelessly canvass all you like. It's part of what the site's for.

    Using this site and "real-world" connections to build the community is my thaing right now. So where this site can support the activisim of an energetic local resident like you, that's great. My thoughts behind building a broader real-life organisation network are that you can only achieve so much in the virtiual world. Some people will self-exclude or be excluded for other reasons. Also it doesn't need me t tell you that the strongest bonds are made beyond the internet. And finally, whilst the onlt Ladder-wide organisation continues to have a limited constituency, it's leverage as a change agent with the Council will never reach its full potential. (although I would reiterate I'm a great fan of what Ian & co do and have a great deal of admiration for what they've achieved - which is a darn site more than me and most of the rest of us. But that admiration doesn't mean I can't envision an even more effective organistaion with a broader remit.)

    Wish you hadn't asked?

  • Hugh

    I wonder the same thing. I don't know why some communities care and others don't. But I wouldn't be surprised if a sense of pride in a place and a sense of belonging to it are critical. So part of my agenda is to support buidling those (Have I missed your point again?)
  • Hugh

    Great to have access those insights born out of experience. I look forward to seeing you working to make a difference here.
  • Hugh

    Getting people to join and join in ain't easy. I pointed someone else you way earlier who'd been looking for any discussion on schools. I think it was Alison P. You can see comment on her page and what I said.
  • Alison

    Hi Liz! Yes we did meet yesterday! I'm not a very frequent visitor to this site but got an alert to say I had a message, which was handy!! Thanks for offering to be a rep for the nursery - we sometimes find it tricky to make good contact there! It was good to see you at the PSA, no doubt will see you there again sometime! I'm generally only around school on a Wednesday as I work the rest of the week.
  • Hugh

    Noticed that you'd tried to nudge an "Alyson" this way. Thanks.

    Nightmare sceanrio today is that for some reason the site's dropped off Google. No ide why, it's a bit of a mystery. We were ranking at 5 or 6 on "Harringay" then poof - nada. Hopefully it'll come back in a couple of days. Took a lot of work getting the rank in the 1st place and it's really helped people find us.

  • matt

    Thanks for the invitation Liz.

    I've started off with a 'we have lots of toddler stuff to get rid of' msg (!) but I will be able to contribute useful info to this group too.

  • Hugh

    Of course you can - virtual as in not real or virtual as in net-based?

    My experience of offering genuine goodies on this site has been poor. Last year I offered free meals on Green Lanes, tickets to some of 2007's best films, a weekend of motorsport,etc - very very few people showed any interest. So something virtual (as in not real) that's fun and might capture the imagination might fit the bill.
  • Hugh

    Is that reward or punishment?
  • David Barry

    Thought you might be interested in this:-

    Press release from Islington

    Ashmount School on the move

    Islington Council's hopes of being able to move Ashmount School to a new, parkland site continued to grow last week as councillors voted to go ahead with the next stage of relocation.

    If planning applications are granted, by 2010 pupils [would] be attending the school in a brand new building located at park in Crouch Hill where there used to be a community centre. In addition to the new school building, huge improvements to the open land are planned to benefit the whole community, with the creation of "Crouch Hill Community Park" as well as a nursery, a youth centre and play space.

    Head teacher of Ashmount School, Pana McGee said: “The new school building will be a fantastic boost to pupils and teachers alike as they’ll be able to make use of top quality facilities in a wonderful environment. It’s also great that the school will be part of a wider project to improve and extend the range of services offered to the local community as a whole.”

    Executive Member for Children and Young People, Ursula Woolley was similarly enthusiastic, saying: “Lots of people have been working very hard on this project. Crouch Hill is a beautiful location and so long as we can get the planning approval we need from Ken Livingstone it will be a wonderful place for children to go to school and a stunning and unusual local park and set of community buildings for everyone in the area.”

    Councillors agreed at the Executive meeting to start looking for a design and construction team to begin the process of planning applications.

    Notes to editors

    Islington Council is funding the scheme from a combination of the proceeds of selling commercial property, government grant and the redevelopment of the current school site.

    In December 2006, over 500 people responded to a consultation on the Ashmount School development. The consultation showed substantial, broadly based support for the move.

    If you want to be kept up to date with developments, send a message to:-

    And you will be put on an email discussion list.

    Please copy this message to any one you think might be interested.
  • David Barry

    Your welcome. If you look at where the Crouch Hill site is, you will see that it is very relevant to harringay residents...
  • David Barry

    Afraid I dont know how to do a link to a map....

    N8 9EG is the post code, and it works if you put it into google maps and then have a look at the satellite photo...
  • Alison P

    Hi Liz
    Thanks for being the first person to join the gardening group!
  • Alison P

    Thanks Liz. Yes, I'm sure we've passed each other on the passage numerous times. Must work out how to post my photo, haven't quite got hang of that yet.
  • Martha

    Hi Liz, My daughter is 6 and attends SHS. I have been unableto find a half-term solution that works for us - I work Mon-Thurs. We actually use a club in Camden. I am definitely interested in any children's activities though. I keep an eye out and usually get to hear from this site or school.
  • Alison P

    Gosh, I've been away for a day and it is all happening!

    Yes, gardening group going well, really hope it takes off as would love to pick people's brains and learn more.

    All best

  • Hugh

    "Too right. Nothing good on telly so everyone gets on here to have a moan/laugh/both!" ....tsch.......phwww... ttttt.......aahhh.......well, that puts the site in it place. I'm just so shocked I can hardly.........................
  • Hugh

    Not reading your mail ( I couldn't even if I wanted to), but I do sometimes look at the comments folks leave for each other.
  • TTTH

    It's great to get such a good response and now from Glyn. If there is need, i may change my dissertation topic from Mountview Court to the Passage. There certainly seems to be more people willing to cooperate. Haringey Council is very poor at responding and I could be some help. No chocolate yet, I haven't had time - doing assignments as well as working :o(
  • matt

    Oops! Sorry. Thanks Liz.
  • matt

    Thanks Liz. No dates as yet but will let you know via the email list. Cheers.
  • Alison P

    Thanks! I felt like such a dunce - had been trying to add one for ages but realised I'd never noticed the 'save' button. Dur...
  • Anette

    Social group sounds like a great idea. And I see Alison over the fence all the time. :-)
  • Anette

    I have no children, so pretty flexible. Maybe we should set up a "meet up once in a while" group?
  • David Jones

    The NW coordinator is Henry Busiakiewicz at No 40.
  • matt

    Thanks for the Friends request. Yes, pub on the 4th March. I'll mail Hugh now and the wider community nearer the time.
  • Harringay SNT

    Maybe you could pass this on. We had a conviction at Wood Green Crown Court yesterday with a woman who was found guilty of Assisting in the running of a Brothel at the said address.
    We have visited the owner who is letting the address who has his office in Muswell Hill. Now he is aware of what it is being used for if he doesnt stop it he will be committing offences. He knows this and is going to serve the current occupiers notice to leave. We are going to receive copies of all correspondence that he has with them.
    In other words in the long term they will be gone.
  • Anette

    March 4th - got it! I'll be there. I'm sure Matt will let us know time nearer the date. Cool! :)
    Off to do some gardening now. Hurrah!
  • Alison P

    Hey Liz, just noticed your post from a few days back - yes will be there on 4th, looking forward to meeting some virtual friends (in the electronic sense I mean!).
  • Richard

    Hi Liz. I don't mind what way the discussion goes. I am surprised more people did not have an opinion about them.

    Our children go to South Harringay, do yours go to the infants, or are you connected another way? What is the LCSP you mentioned? I would question whether it was on the traffic consultation to remove them, and, if it was not, what was the point of having the consultation and then doing something without consulting about it - but maybe I am wrong there, don't think they could have just done that without consulting surely.
    We live locally, so can park where we like if we do use a car to drop off the children, as can other local parents who are going straight on to work. However, SH Jun & Inf have high pupil mobility, and many families in temporary accomm, so they start with SH as their local school then get moved elsewhere. For those that consider it important to have consistency in their children's education, and who have a car but are no longer local, they have nowhere to park, and the younger children need bringing into school, so they are stuck - there is no flexibility now. The same is true for people using the church on Wilberforce Road - they open their doors to a wide variety of community groups as well as for the congregation, and now the space by the church which used to be a free parking bay, ideally sited as not outside a residential property is now residents only, not even pay and display.

    Sorry long list, but that is what I think
  • StephenBln

    Hi Liz.. regarding your comment on ex-pats in Spain.. I did reply, but Hugh thought that reply and another to be too controversial for public viewing.. :o( So I was deleted..
    I'll ask him to send the reply to you.. I was in fact agreeing with you and pointing out to Rahman that I live as a foreigner in another land where I also had to learn the language to get a job.. Don't pick me out as a fascho.. I'm not.. But all coins have two sides and it can't be right, that just one side shows willingness to integrate.. the other must want to too as well.. that was my point.
    BTW I'm not sure if you're interested, but I sent Hugh some shots I took today (rather grey) of turkish run greengrocers here: (most greengrocers are turks here) and a couple of shots of the area I live in, which is similar (I think) to Harringay.. here are the links:
  • Richard

    Hi again, not got this comment leaving bit sussed. Anyway I will try and speak to the heads to see what they think, the council don't really take too much account initially or at least they didn't of the school's views when they introduced the CPZs, they don't necessarily get the sam mailings as residential properties. If the first bit of what i said did not reach you, it was just to say that yes, we do know a family who use the church on Wilberforce Road