Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Read, with interest:

Haringey hosts first live green screening of England game at:


which included the quote:

"Haringey Council is committed to cutting carbon emissions and I hope this shows everyone that almost anything can be adapted to support those aims."

Having just read:

EU biofuels 'need to be certified for sustainability' at:


which included the point that:

In recent years, biofuels - once seen as a green saviour of transport - have fallen out of favour with environmental groups and policy makers.

For example, studies have shown that some biofuels are more polluting that the fossil fuels they replace.

Another major concern is that the growing demand for fossils fuels has led to arable land being planted with more profitable biofuel crops, rather than food crops.

All those planes flying people all over the world - let's be honest, the World Cup isn't a 'green' event, but Haringey will try to sell almost anything - remember the excuse for the increase in the parking permit tax - as being 'green'.

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