Well, if you call mentioning it on HOL as 'keeping it to myself'! ;-)
I find 'Smithee's (Dr Andrew Hudson-Smith) blog an excellent read and usually pretty accessible. Another one for anybody interested in data visualisation and sharing is Jon Udell's (http://blog.jonudell.net/). This posting on community information may be of interest. http://blog.jonudell.net/2008/04/28/negotiating-shared-responsibili...
(Unfortunately he doesn't seem to tag his blog nowadays so it is more difficult to search his stuff.)
V pleased to see we aren't 'miscellaneous built up areas'!
The east/west divide is so obvious on this, really amazing - with Green Lanes as one of the dividing lines. The interactive map is great too, I'd never realised quite how obvious the ladder is, even at lower scales.
Just looking at this again - not v convinced by their classification. In particular note that London seems to be almost entirely 'prof city life' or 'multicultural city life'. Hardly any purple ('disadvantaged urban communities'). Huh?
Please keep these maps coming. I love this GIS mashup stuff and it's amazing how fast it moves as a field.
Some more dynamic maps of London here at MySociety.org. The 'House Prices' one has sliders that allow you to put in the amount of commuting time you're willing to do, and the amount you can afford to pay for a house, and it blacks out all the areas that you can't afford and that are too far away.
I particularly like the 'Public transport vs cycling' one that shows the large geographic area for which it is quicker to cycle into work than to take public transport.