Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Below are the confirmed results from the St. Ann’s ward by-election which took place on 6 October 2016:

Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of votes Elected?
DIXON Josh Liberal Democrats 189
POLENCEUSZ Janus UK Independence Party (UKIP) 54
STEWART Ronald Andrew Green Party 323
TUCKER Noah Labour Party 1177 YES
TURRELL Ellis Lloyd Philip The Conservative Party 106
Number of rejected papers: 4
Turnout: 20.67%

Good news for Labour.

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Let me answer that this way..

I also like Corn Flakes. But I won't buy them if the packet or the wrapping is not appealing.

Corbyn and Labour do not have a monopoly on these things. If anyone disagrees, it's a "slur". I think it's time you took a chill pill in somewhere like Ibiza...

Can't believe the disponancy on this thread, Noah won the vote to be the Labour Party candidate (I assume fair and square) and then got elected to represent the ward. It's now up to HIM to represent everyone in the ward wether they voted for him or not. That is not a Party or Momentum issue. He would do well to look at the turnout and realize that more than 80% of eligible voters didn't vote for him and work as hard or harder for them as the few who voted.
Same as Corbyn really, it's of no matter wether he's labour leader or not (incidentally, I didn't think he should have been challenged, he won the first vote and deserved a shot at the general election) what he needs to remember now is that he owes his current position to the labour moderates who ORIGINALLY signed his nomination papers to start with as well those who voted for him in such outstanding numbers. And that he should NOT be a Labour leader but a Prime Minister in waiting. That means he has to take the majority of the country with him - Tory, Ukiip,Greens or whatever. NOT JUST MOMENTUM.
That means ( as far as I can see) that his policies must be ones that will take the country with him, right, middle, and left.
If not, he's screwed.
SIMPLES, as a furry Meercat would say.
I disagree. The way Westminster politics happens means that opposition is a very important job. If you have an opposition always trying to copy your policies just so that they can have a crack at being elected then you end up with some pretty crap stuff. Since Jeremy Corbyn has been leader of the Labour Party and moved it significantly back to the left, the government has moved to the "centre", which is now further left than it would have been if we just remained with them trying to woo right wing swing voters. Not voting against the Welfare Reform Bill comes to mind as a good example of this.

Are you a member of the Labour Party, John? 

I'm not going to answer that but what difference would it make?

Why not? It's a simple question.

How can he represent, for example, Conservative-leaning constituents when being part of a movement that believes *anyone* opposed to Messrs Corbyn and McDonnell are "scum"? We have yet to hear him say he is the representative of every resident --regardless of how they voted, if at all Come to think of it, a 'thank you' post on here wouldn't go amiss, either.

You don't think that the government are doing exactly this? I don't see employers going to the wall the way some individuals just as dependent on the government are.

I am not here to defend the government. I am asking those questions of the newly-elected Cllr. Tucker.



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