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Council Selling part of Downhills Park - URGENT ACTION REQUIRED (i.e. TODAY)


The Council proposes to sell part of Downhills Park to the developers of 134 private  homes - a massive site using park land. We have until tomorrow only to object. Please do!

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The pdf you've attached actually says that the Council are swapping 15.4sqm of park for 64.6sqm of park, thereby gaining some land - how is that bad? 

Sorry, this is just a scaremongering post. The reality is that the flats will be built on existing land - a former community center - and it is a land swap resulting in, as Charlotte notes, a net gain of land. 

Spot on Justin. 

Hi Both,

Certainly not meaning to scaremonger at all and sorry for not being clearer.  The proposal in the attachment does say that there will be a net gain in open space but if you know the park you will know that that is not feasible. I am trying to find out more from the council about where that additional land will come from but am not as yet getting any answers. The proposal is to make way for a subsequent application to build 134 private homes on the site where there is currently a children's nursery, the Goan centre and a historic school building. The homes include 3 five storey prefabricated building that will overlook the park. That in turn will increase the need for car parking space which the pre-application "consultation" (one meeting) has not addressed.

So they would be building on the section by the children's playground? I struggle to make sense of the map in the attachment.

Yes, behind the primary school, in between the park and the back of Keston Road.  There are other  threads about this - it's being done by Pocket Living who build flats that are specifically for first-time buyers, and which are sold at a price 20% below the market price for that sort of property, and this arrangement has to be done in perpetuity.  They will be building new homes for the nursery, community centre etc that already use the site. 

So as your post thread title is completely inaccurate - don't you think you ought to change it?  There is no "sale" and there is no loss of park space, there's actually a net gain.  The map of where the tiny strip of land concerned was attached to the other recent post about the café in Downhills Park.

The pre proposal is to sell the land to the developers. So, yes, there would be a sale but that would be the next step. The concern here is that this step is to pave the way (literally) for the application. Not asking people to agree - I just want to highlight it for those who didn't know about it as you would only have until tomorrow to object and I am not sure it is widely known. I am glad it has at least opened the discussion.

How are they selling land to the developers if the park is gaining space?  I'm not aware of any exchange of money at all.  But if they have managed to gain land and get a sum of money on top, they should get a huge pat on the back not get slated for it.

I think the point is that the council's assets in the park should really be considered park and not available for a developer to build flats on, however cool and affordable they are. More of us need to volunteer our own houses for densification as they make poor use of the land they occupy and put pressure on space like this.

What you will have is essentially some cheap flats "in" the park where previously the land was for public use. The slight of hand with swapping space for access is irrelevant. The council have definitely sold off public space, in a park, for housing.

I'd happily redevelop my entire terrace and every homeowner in it would net a cool million pounds on top of having the same amount of space as they have at the moment and their garden. Just two two bed flats above.

How would they net a million pounds?  Sell their property for a million quid, wait for 2 years for the development to be built and then move back in for free? 



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