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When are the police going to take action on law-breaking cyclists?

Twice today, within the space of half an hour, I turned (in my car, so of course it was probably my fault) into one of the one-way Ladder roads and was nearly hit by a cyclist going the wrong way. Then I get shouted at by the cyclist who thinks it's my fault that he's stupid.

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I have never had a bicycle stolen, my bicycles are very precious to me and I hardly ever lock them up in public. I also spent a lot on my locks. I believe that the zero tolerance policy in New York has been shown to not have been responsible for the reduction in crime, in fact there is a lot of evidence to show that Roe vs. Wade 20 years earlier was more responsible for the sudden reduction in crime in New York.

I see motorists getting away with "crimes" all the time in Haringey, if you want to see cyclists being apprehended for "committing crimes" try Bishopsgate in the city, just out side the police station any weekday morning.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, statistics show that many more people are killed and seriously injured in the UK each year by motorists than by cars though. I see cars deliberately driving on the pavement all the time (Wightman Rd?), they usually follow this act by turning on their car's invisibility function (hazard lights). In August I had to quickly remove my 3 year old from the path of a car that had mounted the pavement on Priory Rd to just quickly park in front of a shop but stay out of the way of the traffic.

law-abiding motorists feel aggrieved at being demonised
In the weekly update that goes out this week to all the members of HoL you will have managed to insert the headline "Hooligan cyclists", who do you think is being demonised here?
Are you saying that legalising abortion resulted in fewer congenital criminals being brought to term ? Bit of a stretch surely ? :-)
I think John is referring to a theory put forward in a book called Freakonomics by Steven Levitt in which he sgguests:
"...that the women most likely to have taken advantage of Roe vs Wade were poor and unmarried, whose kids - if they had been born - would apparently have "led unhappy and possibly criminal lives".
And I worry that I'm slightly right wing .... :-)
I take it with a grain of salt but find the idea that the mayor of New York's "zero tolerance" policy was responsible even more laughable.
Yes. I'd like to see laws being enforced. I'd like motorists who ignore the bikes only areas by traffic lights to be pulled over; I'd like motorists who break the speed limit, use mobile phones, ignore traffic instructions, use their horns inappropriately etc. to be fined and receive points on their license. These things happen every single day in full view of police cars and they are routinely ignored.
I often see cyclists being pulled over and fined by the police, and I don't have a problem with that. But motorists are shown far too much leniency.
Hear, hear!
Doing some more digging on the net because I am a sad old nerd, I found this. The City of London Police, those same burly lads that seem to just pick on cyclists, recently carried out spot checks on lorries in the city; 100% of lorries "sampled" were breaking the law in some way. Who are the hooligans now?
With all due respect any 'nerd' can hunt down articles to suit their argument, me included. Example (second paragraph):

From what I have seen of the boys in blue, they randomly check all sorts of folk and their vehicles and are not biased towards one form or another. The vast majority of cyclists are not insured nor have any form of official training, license or servicing.

When are we going into central London with our clickometres and cameras John?
Im neither a driver, nor a cyclist. But, given that cyclists can take to the roads without any form of traffic awareness training, Ive observed that a lot of the time, they have questionnable road sense (thats not to say that there arent any good cyclists out there either). At least most drivers who use mobile phones whilst at the wheel would admit that they were doing wrong when caught out. Cyclists rarely seem to accept that they're cycling dangerously and blame it on the motorists.

I used to work in the legal team that represented CTC, the national cyclist organisation, and a lot of the time, lets just say i had to give my clients the benefit of the doubt. Or explain to them tactfully that they had no case. And lawyers never like to turn away work.
Again, Rahman speaks sense : )

I am a cyclist and from my countless years experience of cycling in the capital cyclists are the most disrespectful bunch to other road users and pedestrians. I would imagine most cyclists have little knowledge of highway safety and how ride safely and responsibly. When I was a ten year old on my three-geared Commando we were all taught our cycling proficiency.

To say that there are as many cars that jump red lights as cyclists is comical. From my unofficial audit, which I do every day, it’s usually 40-85% of cyclists who jump traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. It is no coincidence that there are so many cyclist accidents the way they ride, I have many near misses on my bike and my scooter with clueless cretins not even looking the way of the traffic flow when they shoot out

I find it all quite ironic really as it’s this group of people who cycle to preserve life for future generations yet show little respect for life in the here and now.

Sure, there are idiots in all forms of pigeonholes, but from my experience cyclists ignore the laws set in place and have little respect for other people.

I am not saying there shouldn’t be better facilities for cyclists, there should be, if nothing more that to make everyone else safer.

Until cyclists address the problem amongst themselves and stop wittering on about, lorries, busses and white vans nothing will change. To gain respect on the road, you must show some.
To gain respect on the road, you must show some.

That road is full of metal boxes on wheels.

Rules ... for cyclists ... really?! ;)



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