My neighbour got a ticket the other day, for parking across two pays on our road, Nelson Road, N8. The only weird thing is: We do not have parking bays. We just have lines. There is ONE random line, and that’s it. That was under his car, and he was told he was across two bays.
He is disputing it, of course, but I am now wondering: How can we get this weird line removed, and why is it there in the first place? We’re now getting a bit paranoid about jobsworth parking wardens giving out parking tickets when there’s no good reason for it. They’re just a pain in the a** to dispute, and no one wants the hassle, even though it’s pretty clear there’s no bay there, see photos.
Here's the one little line in question:
See - no bays!!!
Any suggestions?
Excellent! They will have met their match if they try to fob you off with duff data.
A few more citizen investigators and we could be rivalling the Famous Barnet bloggers.
I don’t know if you saw my post with Haringey’s official response to the Barnet judgment. It’s yet more amazing self-delusion. Including the comment that in 2011 they could not “discern” a surplus.
It also seems their latest wheeze is to separate the costs and income from PCNs (Parking fines) from permits for Controlled Parking Zone permits. The response appears to pretend that it’s okay if they don’t make a surplus on the latter.
Financial smoke and multiple mirrors.
(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)
Alan when you mention the council's "land swap" at Down Lane Park, as well as suggesting that the quantities represented a short change, would it also be fair to include that the quality of the land parcels was significantly different?
While the council officers were proposing to build on green grass of a public park, by way of recompense, they were offering to the residents of Tottenham, the contaminated land of a former recycling site.
In any event, my main point was that these foolish plans were well advanced (and time and money wasted in the "planning" department), because local councillors like yourself were kept in the dark for far too long. So often, parts of the council seem to be out of control.
My subsidiary point (call it speculation if you will), was that council officers would not try to pull a stunt like that in the west of the Borough.
Soooooo, we were promised this would not happen again - and today it did! have emailed Parking again about this. This is what we were told on July 12th - this is from an email confirming that the two PCNs issued in error was cancelled.
Gary Weston
I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! Was just waiting for it. ARGH! Watch this space..
If exactly the same thing has happened as before then, frankly, that is shaming. It's not just a waste of your time. And of the Council's time. It's a waste of public money undoing something which should not have been done in the first place. Gary Weston - who I've always found an efficient and fair minded man - has better things to do.
My question would be: What is wrong with their systems? (Mind you, reading Barnet Blogger Mr Mustard, you get a glimpse of how much worse it could be.)
You might try contacting Cllr John Bevan who is the new "cabinet" person for the Environment. Like all of us John has his strengths and weaknesses. And one of John's strengths is to follow up on this sort of wasteful, stupidity.
Right, PCN cancelled asap - much thanks to Rachel Allison - and new promises made, I am not sure if I believe them!
Parking says: I do not believe this location to be a real problem as I can confirm that there had only been 2 other PCN’s issued at this stretch of the road for being parked outside the bay markings at Nelson Rd within the last two years and both were cancelled. These PCN’s were issued prior to the problem being highlighted previously.
Sadly, Rachel Allison is standing down from the Council as - so I hear - are a few more of the LibDems best and brightest people. Although it's also rumoured that they have at least one excellent new candidate.
(Tottenham Hale ward councillor. Labour Party member 40+ years)
Happy to report that after fighting for well over a year the business bays has been removed, and the danger of very very stupid parking attendants conning local residents is now eliminated.
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