Tell me I'm bonkers, do, but I just sent the following message to our local councillors and Richard Jones, the manager of the Arena Shopping Park:
Dear Richard & Harringay & St Ann's Councillors,
28th October 1958 was the date of the last event ever at the Harringay Arena. I was wondering if between us all and the Arena traders, we might find the space and the money for an excuse to commemorate
the fascinating past of the old Arena and have a bit of a bash in the Arena car park – perhaps the residents of Harringay deserve a little payback for, shall we say, the traffic hiccups of the past 6 months or so.
- good marketing & PR opportunity for the Arena stores, not to mention the Council.
And, Nilgun, if the timing's right we might also think about inserting a theme of nodding to the past but looking with a vision to the future of Harringay.
Please let me know if I'm likely to be able to kindle any flame of interest in helping us celebrate Harringay.
(My note to Nilgun refers to a presentation I gave to the Green Lanes Strategy Group (GLSG) last month asking the Council to work with local residents and traders to develop a visionary plan for Harringay's future. I was pleased that it got a broadly warm approach and had Nilgun's support. They're looking at it, as I understand it, and will decide how/if to go forward at the next GLSG meeting).