Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


I was wondering if anyone knows of any local netball teams looking for new members in the Harringay?

I've been in contact with a group at Highbury Fields with no luck ... I'm not a brilliant player any more (having not played for many years), but with a bit of practice I think I'd be a great addition to a team. I'm tall.

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Hi Natalie, 4 weeks ago I joined "Back to Netball" on a Thurs eve (5.30-6.30pm) at Sobell Centre, Hornsey Rd. I heard of the scheme through a friend and although had enjoyed the game at school, I'd not played for 20 yrs+!. It turns out I am not alone in having enjoyed the sport, but not had the opportunity to play the game regularly since school - the scheme is national and especially popular in London and the South East. Back to Netball is organised by England Netball and provides a gentle introduction back into the game for female players from 16 years upwards. The Thurs night gathering varies in numbers, but regardless of turnout, the coach is enthusiastic and organised in tailoring training to suit the number playing. It's tough getting back to grips with the rules, but help is on-hand through the England Netball and Back to Netball websites. Do consider joining. I know many who have attended have gone onto play in more competitive matches and leagues. More info can be found here - 


Good luck in finding a team you'd like to join. 

Thanks Annie,

This is perfect. I woudn't be able to make the Sobell Centre, as I finish work at 5.30. But there is a session very close to my work on another evening which I can make.

Thanks for your help, it's a good start.


Oh, that's good to hear. I do think the reason the Sobell Centre's Thurs session struggles to secure a regular following is because of the early start time. I know many start work earlier or have a shorter lunch so they can leave work early to attend as I don't think the time is going to be changed in the short term.

Best of luck with the session close to work. I'd be interested to know what it's like and how you get on. 


I used to play on Tuesday evenings in a league at IAMS school. The first match is around 6.45 and there are 3 each week. There are lots of teams that are often looking for players, or reserves they can call. I don't have a number, but will try and find one. Otherwise, just head down there on a Tuesday evening and the coordinator (was a guy called Phil) should be able to help you out.



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