Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Your Area - Your Priorities

Haringey Council has just started developing a local Area Plan for each of the seven area forums and committees across the borough. These local Area Plans are designed to deal with the most important issues in your area and for the benefit of everyone who lives there.

Spare five minutes to complete an online survey to say what you think are the four most important issues for your area.

Visit the Haringey Council website to find out more and to access the survey for your area: http://www.haringey.gov.uk//index/council/decisions/areacommittees/...

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Does anyone really have just four top priorities for their own area / neighbourhood / arbitary grouping of wards? I certainly don't. And so I wouldn't have a clue where to begin answering this survey in any meaningful way. Nor how to assess the results it produces.

But - confession time - I did do it, sort of. I looked at one area which had twelve priorities, another with only six, and a third which went for thirteen. I found that the survey wouldn't let me tick more than four priorities.  So, to read the survey, I tried one and ticked a box at random. And then clicked more pages in growing disbelief at the quantity of equal ops information it asks. But clicked through too hastily and - oops! - found I'd finished the survey! Sorry Highgate. Or was it Bruce Grove?

I'm sure the questions are put together with the best of intentions. And at least I could only find one typo. Everyone can have their say regardless of any "gender reassingment".

In another posting I quoted from Professor Mark Moore. Could I again invite people to read his very sensible comments beginning with the observation that: "What citizens might expect and want from government might be three quite different things". And this doesn't mean being customers or clients who want 3 different types of services for themselves.



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