Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following a decision to split the current Haringey 'Finsbury Park' CPZ into three zones, the Council is now proposing a new zone to the north of it for the area just the other side of Harringay Station.

I'm attaching to residents' notice letters about these CPZs, but no maps appear to be available to show clearly where they are. There's a report on the recent Finsbury Park CPZ consultation but with a touch of genius the plan is omitted from the published version.

Although notice of the consultation has only been sent to residents in te area affected the letter clearly states:

You should note that statutory notification differs from public consultation in that any interested party can make representations, rather than restricting the consultation to a specified area. 


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A plausible hypothesis, Michelle. (Especially given the taxing CPZ permit price-hike in April.)

But how about testing it? Beginning, perhaps by asking Haringey - and local residents' associations - about the rationale and what support (if any) this had from residents.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

"I'd like to see a map of the areas proposed . . ." 

So please ask.



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