Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

One of the many interesting people I've met working around social media with a social purpose is a jobbing doctor, Paul Hodgkin. Around his day job as a doctor, Paul got together with other doctor colleagues and set up Patient Opinion.

In their own words:
Patient Opinion is about sharing experiences and opinions of health services. On the site you can:
  • See what other patients are saying about their health care
  • Share your story so that others can learn from your experience
  • See how health services have responded to comments made by other people

Paul has just published a report 'In their own words: What patients think about our NHS', reviewing the last few years of the patient feedback they've have received.

The most common areas of concern raised in the report are about the interaction between patient and staff. Above everything else, patients want better communication, considerate staff and more information. These are all things that health service staff could wake up tomorrow and improve immediately. And all this is made easy and accessible for NHS staff through working with Patient Opinion.

You can download the report below.

Visit the website if you want methodology and full report statistics. 

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That's really interesting, thanks Hugh (and Paul).


Fortunately I've not had much cause to visit GPs or hospitals, but I still have some horrible memories of the way I was treated by some of the staff at the Whittington when I was pregnant/in labour with my children. Ditto a local GP whose surgery we left a couple of years ago.


OTOH, I have a few friends & family members who are Health Professionals and they regularly have to deal with dreadful attitudes and behaviour from patients!

I too think it is interesting. Two months whilst waiting for an NHS appointment I had some time to kill so I filled in a response on the Whittington website. I had no idea it was actually destined fro someone else. In those two months the Whittington has not looked at it.

The flaws in the methodology are very evident, mainly:

1) the sample is self selecting - internet users who like the sound of their own blogs

2) the selection does not catch the most serious problems it pays attention to the complainers who make the most noise - might be the same thing or might not - it's a bit like the way the BBC chooses competitors for Total Wipeout - its the ones make the most noise

3) I wonder what happened to my write up - I praised the things that were good and identified the things that were bad - discarded I guess

4) "severity" is presumably subjective


Nevertheless - the results accord with what you might expect:

communication varied from the absolutely superb to the absolutely bloody awful - the latter should clearly not be allowed. The main cause of this was from junior staff using English as a part time language, using a different vocabulary to mine, and laying the stress on different syllables even in words we have in common. Some conversations just failed completely.

Cleanliness - what is the point of a cleaner displacing the dust on top of the curtain rail into the air? whilst leaving the puddle of piddle on the floor? Talking of cleanliness, I missed my shower yesterday, but today's bath is now run, so I am going to marinade in my own waste products for a while.



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