Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It is official I will never own a car and buy a house / flat on a hill again.

Drivers do not seem to be able to do a hill start or reverse. I see residents who cannot park, so have to leave a big space so that they can pull out.

I admit to park well on a hill is not easy!

There is constant revving of engies because drivers do not know clutch control!

The latest incident was a new resident using a neighbours car behind as a fixed object to get out of their parking space! I went out there and complained: took the car details and notified my neighbour. He took it to the garage as the front plastic bumper was scratched: £500 replacement part which he extracted from the driver's insurance company. What a game: and not something I am comfortable with. But what else is there to do?

This does not include out of town shoppers, and strangers to the borough!

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I live atop Allison, where fortune has it that it's flatter. Some swine from lower down the road decided to park pretty much on my car the other week. No hill to speak of, yet still he left his car under an inch away from my bumper. Upon reversing my own car the following morning, I found the plate cracked, and I know it wasn't like that when I parked up the night before.

A note was left, no call back after a week. Car tracked by stealth (how many Honda Jazz's with that plate are likely to exist on one road?) to a very "respectible" householder who seemed fully aware of the situation, as he'd even gone as far as looking up the cost of replacing my plate. Yet over a week later, he had not called, and seemed unlikley to face up to his darstadly deed, so a polite repremanding was called for, with firm refusal to accept any payment from him, as it's not the tenner (well actually fifteen quid) that was the issue, it was the damned cheek of this fellow that got me.

"It was dark", "I couldn't feel my car whacking yours"... And so on.... Pathetic excuses really given that at no time are any of our roads ever dark, and that he'd had to walk past my car to get to his house - an inch is not a lot of space to leave anyone and it is pretty easy spot, even in an orange glowing dead of night.

In short, there are many who cannot park well. If you can't park on a flat without smashing into the car behind you, what hope have you got at parking on a steep hill? I feel sorry for the neighbours of this Jazz owner as he does live on the steep section.

Maybe chocks behind the rear wheels would help? But then, how would you pick them up after pulling out of your space... Catch 22?

Perhaps a test should be given by HC when applying for a CPZ permit.

Good on you for catching whoever it was that smashed your neighbour's car!!
Thanks for this! I wonder if the only way to improve this would be at the driving test. Mind you to drive is a given right in the western world: easy to drive but diffiuclt to drive well. It is difficult to reverse park and maybe most drivers cannot do it!




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