Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

100 years ago a war memorial was installed in Harringay, at St Paul's Church, to remember the men who gave their lives in the Great War. It was made of alabaster and listed all the names of those in the parish who lost their lives. 

Sadly this was lost in the St Paul's Church fire in 1984, along with an external Celtic cross war memorial. 

On the centenary of the alabaster war memorial a few of us local historians and descendants would like to commission a new one, to honour the brave who gave their lives from our community. Thanks to the research of Bethany Burrow Atherton we have been able to reconstruct the list of names, even adding one Harringay man, Leonard Dixon, who had been missed off. This proposed new memorial will be a calligraphy panel listing all the names of the dead, with Flanders poppies and an historical note explaining the story of the old memorial.

  • If you have any photos, stories or information we would love to hear from you. Especially of the old war memorial, of which we have no photo.
  • If you feel moved to contribute financially then we would love that too. Thanks to one generous local donor we already have £250, but we need to raise another £350. You can give online here. If you contact me to say that you want the gift to go to the war memorial then the money will only be used for that. 
  • If you would like to join us at St Paul's Harringay for Remembrance Sunday (13th November, 9.30am or 11am) then we will be explaining more about the memorial, holding an act of remembrance at 11 o'clock and taking a collection.

War is a tragedy and many nobly chose not to fight. However, we hope this will stand again as a monument to those who did choose to fight, and paid the highest price.

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I have a not very good side-view photo of the celtic cross, if that's any good. Nothing of the memorial. I have a 1947 photo of the church interior showing of new fluorescent bilbs, but no sign of the memorial. Do you know exactly where it was in the church?

Thank you Hugh. I'd love to see the photo. The memorial inside the church was at the west end. There is a photo of it here, but it would be lovely to have one where we could make out the names.

Have you checked with Hornsey Historical Society to see if they have anything useful

Try searching their archive catalogue https://hornseyhistorical.org.uk/archive/ or call them tomorrow (or visit). Archive team in every Friday to assist with searches. Good luck

Thank you Lesley; I've sent them a message. What a great tip-off.

Thanks Lesley. I've already done extensive work with them on the WWI project I've been running since 2014.



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