Hello everyone,
We seem to have a murder (flock) of crows in the woodland behind our house, who are making a racket day and night.
Can anyone recommend any tried and tested solutions or services to get rid of them ?
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... Hi Alex, it's nesting season so the Crows are very territorial at this time of year...hence the noise... they will soon quieten down as their chicks fledge... they're amazing creatures with intelligence equivalent to a seven year old child... Crows, jackdaws and rooks are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 and the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985. This makes it illegal to intentionally take, injure or kill them, or to take, damage or destroy an active nest or its contents...
I don't wish to be rude, but woodland comes with wildlife, that's just the way it is. Perhaps it's not the crows that need to move.
Pointless response. Perhaps you should go walk your dog...
That was unnecessarily rude imho. I think it's a legitimate point.
Thanks for your opinion. My statement still stands, as i asked for advice on the noise, not to be told i should move house!
the point is that the crows are crowing more then they usually do, which now makes sense if its nesting season, they are literally crowing and what looks like frenzied fighting with each other incessantly day and night for the last few days, which was quite alarming as i had never witnessed them so aggressive before.
i do wonder about some of the people who reply to posts on here sometimes!!!
Thanks Roger, thats good to know, as there are 2 of them and they seem to be very excited, swooping and squawking and jumping between the trees, which is quite scary for our young boy.
Agree they are magnificent birds, and generally i love the variety of birds we have in our garden, and i wouldn't want to bring them harm, just need them to be a little less excited, and a bit quieter through out the night as its waking up our 18 month old.
Hopefully it doesn't go on for too long, i had really bad experience many years ago with seagulls in archway, that drove us close the the edge!!!
Hi Alexander, just be grateful they're not seagulls. A freind of mine who lives in Brighton had gulls nesting on top of their single story extention, they couldnt go out of the back door without being attacked. It was weeks and weeks before they could use the garden.
Yes been there, archway has an urban seagull problem believe it or not!
I had no idea it was a problem in London. You learn something new every day. Obvious really i suppose, they're not likely to commute from the coast every day. Who'd do that!
... Herring Gull numbers have dropped by about 50% since the late '60's and like many animals have had to find new habitats to survive... many have moved inland attracted by the abundance of food that the humans dump... even in their "natural" habitat they needn't always be a problem as one person on Instagram has found...
... sorry to hear your son doesn't like the crows... I've loved them since watching Dumbo as a kid (... "I seen just about everything... but I never seen an elephant fly") I feed them peanuts in the park (crows love peanuts) and now when I go there they recognise me (crows have 100% facial recognition) and about 30 of them fly over to get fed... in the winter I feed the local pair monkey nuts on the roof of our flat and if I don't get up at 7am to feed them they make quite a fuss... you could try getting some monkey nuts and making a game of feeding your pair... your son might grow to like them...
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