Many thanks again to Dan and Seemah again for getting the ball rolling and to them and all the volunteers who've worked with them getting things this far.
We're now on the final few days and this post is to keep you informed of the latest and to ask for a little more help.
First, the info. Here's Dan's flyer:
And Dan and Seemah are asking for help with the following:
- volunteers to do a final door knock on a chunk of the street between tomorrow (Thursday) evening and Friday evening to connect with everyone in the road face to face, running through what's going on and people are being asked to do on the day.
- if you can also print out a batch of flyers from the one attached, that's be great.
I've done very little so far, so I've said I'll help. If we can get another few folks it'll mean each of us don't have to do too many houses.
Please add a note below to say if you can help with the door-knocking and add any questions or suggestions below.