With a following wind, it
looks like we're going to be able to build a fantastic Harringay Street Festival this September 20th. I've been insisting that as well as support from the Council and traders, a significant element should be by and of "we the people". It'll be as great as we make it.
So if you'd like to join the team, let us know. Broadly at this stage the options are to offer help:
- in the months running up to the festival in helping to get things organised.
- on the day.
- in staging or using your contacts/know-how to arrange an event/interesting stall/street act on the day.
- by arranging a satellite event on the 18th or 19th. (Events organised under the banner of the festival probably by local groups Adam Coffman has already spoken to the schools, Railway Fields and the. Salisbury who are all interested in putting on some events/entertainment. We've also got various artists/art collectives, local historians and a host of other local groups and talent.)
So, roll-up, roll-up Harringay, get your hat in the ring.