Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

435 Green Lanes (now William Hill between Duckett & Cavendish Roads) has a naughty past. At street level it was home to Harringay Photographic Supplies. However on the top floor was the base and studio for shooting the early Harrison Marks soft core (by today's standards) glamour films. (For more on Marks click the following link. Warning the link leads to a site with nude images - link. Alternatively, read his obituary in The Independent.)

An advert in PhotoGuide magazine, March 1961, suggests "A MUST DURING YOUR VISIT TO LONDON - an EXHIBITION featuring the unpublished works of HARRISON MARKS, Britain's leading photographer of the nude figure. 1st & 2nd Floors, Harrison Marks Studios, 4 Gerrard Street, London, W.1. This address is a long way from Harringay Photographic Supplies at Green Lanes, London, N4. Perhaps the location of the studio for shooting the glamour films may have been kept private and separate from Harrison Mark's business premises, in case of attention from the police. Hence, the studio at Gerrard Street may have been just the advertised business address.

Thanks to photomemorabilia.co.uk for the above info.

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Thanks for the interesting links.. maybe Harrison Marks deserves a place in the 'Harringay Hall of Fame'?

So he 'amended' his name from George Harris Marks to Harrison Marks..
OT: Does anyone know why so many Jewish people have the name Harris? I'd be interested to know what it originally was in Yiddish, German, Polish or Russian.. ?

Many German Jewish names were anglicized ..e.g.Taylor which was originally Schneider = Tailor .. or Greenwood = Grünewald or Marks even which originally was Marx, but Harris is a puzzle to me.. anyone know?
Maybe they were scottisn jews who anglified from "na Hearradh"!

Following an alert from HoL member Adam, I've just been speaking with Roy, Knichell whose father Frank used to run Harringay Photographic.

Apparently the Marks Studio was on the second floor of the the double fronted property. Rather disappointingly, however, Roy said it was never really occupied by Marks. It ended up being used for storage for 'glamour' films which Roy and his father sold by mail order which, Roy told me, they'd get delivered by the lorry-load.

One of the film makers was low rent 'Heritage Films'. I've been able to track down a few of the films (Warning: link contains nudity) that once found their way round the country from Harringay.

Roy has some old photos and other memorabilia he's offered to dig out. When I get those, I'll add a little more info about the store, Frank Knichell and the store's connection with the Soviet Army!



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