Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


This little guy has been hanging around our back garden on Duckett Road (backing onto Mattison) and back door. It's been trying to come in our catflap (which has a microchip lock on it) and meows at our back door. Does anyone know him? 

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Thanks for your message - he does seem very friendly (it's almost like he's calling our cat to hang out - they sit together in the garden now). He is on the thin side and we didn't want to feed him if he's owned by someone else. 

There is a missing cat called Kafkat. He went missing early December after the owner moved houses. Kafkat went missing from E17, Walthamstow. He is about 2.5 years old, not chipped, not neutered. I attach his picture. Do you think it's the same cat?


They look very similar in the face but the body is different. What a shame - would've been lovely to find him his home!

Looks vert much like one I was feeding a couple of years ago and I'm on Westbury , maybe he just does the rounds :(

Someone from our rescue could come and scan the cat for chip. If he's not chipped and not neutered we could take him into foster care. Please let me know if you are home for one of our volunteers to come today.

Same here - seems to be coming more these days but couldn't guarantee a day or time that he'd be here. I'm around a bit for the next few days so if I had a number I could call if he rocks up .

We are all volunteers and need a bit of time before someone comes out. Maybe you could feed him at regular times and then someone could come at the feeding time - that would be much easier unless you can keep him inside and then give us a call once he's inside? 

This same cat has also been posted about here roaming on Mattison Rd and it looks like the cat needs help.  Please can someone try to get the cat inside and then take the cat to a vet to scan to see if microchipped and see if cat needs neutering. As you know, Stokey Cats & Dogs have also offered to help and foster the cat.

I've rung my vet and I'll try to take him down to get scanned in the next Week. 

He's been popping in every morning here and yowling around the gardens at night. I reckon he'll hop into a pet carrier with minimal fussing. I'm away over the weekend but will try when I get back - hoping he comes back again on Tuesday. 

Good luck, well done for helping him. When you get him to the vets, if it turns out he's not chipped, best to ask vet to keep hold of him. Then tell Stokey and they can liaise with vet and hopefully one of the Stokey volunteers will be able to collect the cat from the vets and foster the cat and get the cat neutered. (Stokey always try to help. They rely on volunteers and more volunteers and fosterers are always needed).

I feel so bad at getting the water pistol to him now. Poor little thing. My friend Paulette can house him for a couple of days if need be, before he can get to the vet. Text me if you need help. Sounds like you are on much friendly terms with him


unfortunately he has caused my two such stress with one spraying in the bathroom and the other got stress cystitis needing a vet visit so I have tried to discourage him. But I won’t anymore as he is clearly lost looking for a home



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