Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It was comforting to hear that one of the burglars who's been plaguing Harringay for the past six months or so has been caught and sentenced.

Sadly, that's not an end to the spate of burglaries that have been taking place recently throughout our neighbourhood. 

We all felt for Lou the other day with her burglary. Then today early in the afternoon a police officer from the Haringey response squad knocked at my door about a burglary attempt right next door to me. 

Apparently a burglar had rung the bell and, getting no answer, stove in the front door - in full view of the road at 1:00pm. Fortuitously (in one respect) he entered to find my neighbour standing at the top of the stairs and fled.

A reminder to us all to be vigilant - or perhaps its time to get a big dog, a burglar alarm - or is it time to think again about street level neighbourhood watch schemes?

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Sadly I have found people very lazy about joining Neighbourhood Watch.  I have canvassed in my road at least 6 times and have only got a few members.  It is easy to be a member.  All you have to do is display a free window sticker and be vigilant about what is going on in your road.  We are not 'curtain twitchers' just people who care about where we live.

Do please join your Neighbourhood Watch.

How do you get the stickers for neighbourhood watch please? I might ask my neighbours about it.

Many sympathies from us to your neighbour. 

My other half wants to put in CCTV - the thought of which is just as depressing as the thought of these bastards going through our stuff.

I would like to wire up the windows to the mains...



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