Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Consultation on the Development of Harringay's High Street this Month


After what may seem like a long silence, open consultation on the development of Harringay's high street is due to launch this month.

Following news this January about the success of the trader-led bid for an Outer London Fund (OLF) grant for Harringay's high street, work has been going on behind the scenes with urban designers East.

Planning has also been going on around the linked £1.3m "Green Lanes Corridor" work funded by TfL. This work aims to improve the traffic management along Green Lanes and is being planed to dovetail with the OLF work.

The Green Lanes Strategy Group has decided that it is now the appropriate time to involve local people in the decision-making process around these two linked schemes and is launching a consultation process this month.

Consultation leaflets outlining progress and options and detailing the consultation events/spaces and timetable are ready for delivery. Harringay Online is attempting to gain access to this documentation and we will publish it as soon as it is released to us. 

The consultation will outline a number of 'design scenarios', but none of these need be taken in its entirety. We will apparently be encouraged to respond on which individual elements we like or dislike - a kind of pick 'n' mix, if you will.

I won't try and outline the design options here. That will be better accomplished by the consultation literature and at the consultation events. However, I will say that one or two of the elements are potentially exciting.

Now, please get stuck in constructively and demand that your voices are heard and your opinions considered. This is your town!

The consultation events will run in two spaces:

1. Paul Simon, 37, Grand Parade, Green Lanes, Harringay

Paul Simon have kindly offered their vacant office space for use as the main consultation space. The focus here will be on the 'public realm' works, including works to Harringay Bridge, the pavements, traffic crossings and the so-called 'microsquares'.

There will be a display in the window of 37 Grand Parade from November 17th for about a month. During this period you will also be able to pick up a more detailed version of the consultation leaflet from the Paul Simon office next door (though please remember that the Paul Simon staff are not part of the consultation and won't be able to answer any questions). 

There will be an opportunity to meet with the urban designers at one of three public events. These will run as follows:

November 24th: 12:00 - 15:00

November 27th: 18:00 - 21:00

December 7th: 16:00 - 18:00 (followed by the illumination of Harringay's Christmas Tree at the Salisbury - a real one this year!).

2. The Coliseum / Kinleigh Folkard Hayward Space, 1 Salisbury Promenade, Green Lanes, Harringay

Finally, eighteen months after I first tried to get access to this building for the community, and hot on the heels of the tussle over the new betting shop, the Coliseum space is being made available to Harringay, if only for a short period. Thank you KFH.

The Greater London Authority team have picked up where they left off before the betting shop hiatus and have secured the premises from KFH for about a month from 1st December.

The space will be used to host two or three events for traders with shops on Green Lanes. These events will focus on the trader-OLF co-funded shop front element of the regeneration work.

Beyond these, the space will be open for community use. More on that over on another post.

As to the longer term future of the building, there is as yet no resolution, but there are at least signs that KfH may be giving consideration to the implications of the regeneration work being planned for Harringay, and in particular that junction. More on this when I have something more concrete to go on. (And just to give you the merest hint of a clue, what's planned for the area between The Salisbury and The Coliseum is a potentially exciting part of the plans).

Tags for Forum Posts: harringay regeneration 2012-13, outer london fund

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Cheers - corrected.



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