sophie hautefeuille



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  • sparkle

    Hi Sophie, don't know what's happened to your post- seems to have disappeared? Just wanted to say we also live in Lausanne rd and our children go to Sth H infant and junior schools- the catchment area shifts quite a bit depending on how many people apply and where they live. Recently the infants school has been rated outstanding by Ofsted, which has increased demand and I believe meant some children not getting in who might have wanted to. If you add me as a private connection you can private message me, I'd be happy to have you round for a cup of tea :) A lot can happen in a short time in local schools - FYI :  Sth H  is about to get 2 new Head Teachers, and as you mention - Nth H has been through a period of improvement. You may find that the story changes in the next year or 2. 

    all the best, Rachael

  • Adam

    Hi Sophie.

    Did you get my message about schools from a couple of weeks ago?

    Regards Adam
  • Adam

    Hi Sophie

    Not sure if you got my longer message about schools - if you send me your email address I will email you my message.


