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  • Chris Setz

    Hi there - thanks for all the hard work - you're indispensable to Harringay!

    I have a question about the notification emails I get, after posting on the HoL forums: 

    The emails I get all say the same thing - 'such and such a person posted in the topic'

    One some forums, it's possible to see an abstract of the comment too - can that be done here?

    For example, if I add a reply to a topic and then someone else does, instead of getting an email that says 'they posted', is it possible to configure Ning so that the notification email includes what the person commented?

    That way, if someone posts a very short comment, I don't have to click through to the site if I don't want to - I can read what they said directly from the email.  

    Whaddya think?

  • JJ B

    Once again I cannot load images when I click on forum posts.
    Is it that maybe because my IOs may be too old?
    I am still on OSX 10.9.5 on the latest Firefox browser.

    JJ B
  • Gordon T

    'Harringay Ladder Traffic and Transport Review' letter drop just now, and it's also up at haringey.gov.uk/harringay-ladder-review.

    "For the purpose of this review, the previous study area has been redefined to include only the Ladder area - east of, and including, Green Lanes".

    Recalls the famously mis-titled film 'Krakatoa, East of Java'...