James Putzel

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  • Hugh

    Thanks James. I've updated the help page with the new hover + click stage. I'm a bit flummoxed though about why you can't select the photo. It all works okay fro me on three different browsers. The element that seems to be causing trouble is generated by your PC not the website. Try double-clicking the file you want or perhaps a different browser.

    Sorry you're having a problem. We've not come across this one before.

    It sounds like you have bigger fish to fry than getting a photo up on HoL, but if you do want any more help, please just let me know. 



  • Hugh

    Yup "Add Photo" will be because you're using the default picture, but you shoudl be able to click that just the same as change. Then use "Browse" button, and you should be able to select the file you want. These Californian platforms are sent to try us! They figure if they keep us busy with the tech they'll no longer have to contend with cries of "The Brits are Coming".

    I noticed a picture of you pop up for approval but that was headed for teh public gallery which I assume you didn't want so didn't approve it.

  • Hugh

    Okeedokes. Glad you like the default avatar. Sorry it's been such a trial for you.
