odette gibson

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  • Chris

    Hi Odette,

    I am involved in setting up a cinema tent at the Big Chill festival later this year and we are desperately looking for some tax advice. We need to know whether it is more advantageous to register as a non-profit group or a limited company to get VAT back. It is a fun project and we all the help we can get, could you offer any advice around tax etc? Or do you know who I could speak to regarding company formation, VAT, import duty etc? Many Thanks.
  • Chris

    Hi Odette, I am not sure if you saw but I sent you a connection request. How is it best to get in contact?

  • safdar khaliq

    i have missed filing my tax return as there was a problem with my accountant. I  know i will have to pay the fine but need advice on what to do next. Easier to explain on phone. 

    Can I ring you?
