Olympia Harvey


Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Olympia, welcome to the site. Hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Liz

    Would you be interested in joining the Warham Road group?
    It's for sharing information and concerns and suggesting ways to improve the road.
    Discussions include the Metro Bet betting shop case and illegal house conversion.Please come and start some more!

    Just click here:
    Warham Road

    Also, if you know of anyone else on the site who you think might be interested please pass this invite on
  • Zelda

    Great, thanks Oli. My no is 07876654279. Sunday is best for us as Jonny will be back by then(earlyish am or later afternoon/eve). Or we could pop round Sat eve once he's back? Are either of those any good?

    Thank you!

    Zelda x