
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Cecilia,

    Welcome to Harringay Online. I hope you'll find it a great way to keep up with what's going on in and around Harringay, to chat with your neighbours about what interests and concerns you – or just to ask for or offer help.

    If you didn’t get a chance to read it when you signed up, you can get a basic idea of what we’re all about and how the site works on our welcome page.  

    If you have any questions, feel free to visit the page of Hugh or Liz and ask anything you like. (We’re not setting ourselves up as oracles here, but we’ll do our best to help with anything about Harringay Online).

    We’d love to hear from you so please share your views by commenting on posts that interest you or adding new ones.




    PS: If you want to see what the press has been saying about us, you can have a peek here.

  • Hugh

    Look forward to seeing you around!

  • Vanessa Maugey

    Hi Cecilia, have been trying to send you a private message with no luck. Anyway just wanted to say, my friend is busy at the moment with a project for fashion week, but will be freer after that. If you need her then? I will pass on your request to her anyway. Can you send me some hint of your project, privately, nothing too detailed as I am sure it's confidential. :) just something to give my friend an idea of what you are looking for.
