
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Sam,

    Welcome to Harringay Online. I hope you'll find it useful. To get a basic idea of what's what and for a few pointers on using the site, click here. Do let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to try and answer them.

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  • Nicole

    Hi Sam,

    Unfortunately I've just told a girl to come and pick it up this morning, but if she doesn't show I'll let you know asap. Just to make sure you're aware that's it's a girl's bike, i.e. not an adult bike, and the chain slips out of gear...

  • Protheroe O'Shea

    Hi Con No problem. I'll wait till tomorrow and let you know.


    anything else you need?

  • Protheroe O'Shea

    Con it's yours if you want it
  • Alice Mezzo

    Hi Con, just send me a message here re any stuff, ta, Alice

  • Gillian Price

    Hi Con,

    My number is 07752 684 808. Would you like to collect in the daytime or evening?

  • ALP

    Hi Con,

    Yes I'll accept £50.00 for both bikes. When are you able to collect?

    All the best,


  • Loic Dumas


    Perfect. ok I will bring the food this week-end.

  • Gogi Saini

    Hi you know if you would accept a very large used (but in good condition)carpet for the Calais donations?

    many thanks
  • Gogi Saini

    Many thanks for your reply.
  • Stephanie kukulka

    Hi Con,

    Do you know yet if your friend would want the mattress + base?



  • Ceri

    hi Con, 

    By coincidence, I've just been given a mobile phone number for you. (Was at HMSC where I volunteer and Sheila suggested contacting you about the bed). However, the number I've got won't dial, and a recorded message plays saying that there's a fault on this line. I'll try and send you a private message with my mobile number, or email me on I can deliver the bed at any point from now until late this evening or first thing tomorrow. Ceri

  • Sue-Ellen Horrocks

    Hi Con,

    Yes please send me Jamal's number. Thanks, Sue-Ellen

  • Lindsay Flood

    Hello, I can't see the phone number you sent as it was in the connection request and disappeared when I accepted. Please can you re-send.

    Thanks, Lindsay

  • harriet

    Hi Con I have accepted your request

  • Jan Potter

    You're more than welcome to have them. We live in the modern flats in the estate opposite you. Please call me to arrange collection. Jan 07860 400741 

  • Jan Potter

    Not very good with this app. Did you get my message. Jan

  • Dexter

    H Con, Because of COVID the winter shelter is not happening this year. Please see 'All people, All Places website' Thanks