Richard Woods

Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    Hi Richard

    Welcome to Harringay Online. I hope you'll find it a great way to keep up with what's going on in and around Harringay.

    If you didn’t get a chance to read it when you signed up, you can get a basic idea of what we’re all about and how the site works on our welcome page.  

    If you have any questions, feel free to visit the page of Hugh or Liz and ask anything you like. (We’re not setting ourselves up as oracles here, but we’ll do our best to help with anything about Harringay Online).

    We’d love to hear from you so please share your views by commenting on posts that interest you or adding new ones. Enjoying your memories of Harringay. If you have photos or more stories from your time living here we'd love to have them added to the site. Have you found our History of Harringay pages?


    Hugh and Liz


    PS: If you want to see what the press has been saying about us, you can have a peek here.


  • Geraldine

    Hi Richard

    Good to be in touch with an old neighbour.  I was born in the front bedroom at my auntie's house in Beresford Road and lived with my mum in Seymour Road until 1964.  Reading this site makes it all seem like yesterday.


  • Geraldine

    I remember Pamela Beaver.  I lived at 135, a few houses down the hill.

    Grain dealers at the bottom of Falkland ...  There was a place that might have been a fur warehouse.  It had a smell so pungent - something like mothballs - you had to hold your breath as you walked past.

  • Dorothy Rynhold

    yes.     George Cathles was related to John Cathles Hill.     George died some 3 years ago.     I am his sister.     John Cathles Hill was our great uncle.    I live in Haringey - and have done so all my life.     

    Dorothy Rynhold (nee Cathles)

  • Dorothy Rynhold


    Where do you live now?     

    It is good that you remember George.    Those were the days|     He gave up politics in Wood Green after the NatWest Bank moved him about a bit.     He had a very good career with them.       Outside work his main interest was always politics.


  • david shepherd

    Hi Richard,  I was at Stationers at the time of the photo 1961. I remember being given special bus tickets for the games afternoons at Winchmore Hill. After we finished we used to adjourn to the sweet shop over the road for a six penny special ( an ice cream soda). I lived in Stroud Green at the time and it only took me 5 minutes to walk to school. Keevans was the place to go for uniforms. We used the one in Crouch End. I couldn't say if it was over priced or not.

  • david shepherd

    Hi Richard,  I was at Stationers at the time of the photo 1961. I remember being given special bus tickets for the games afternoons at Winchmore Hill. After we finished we used to adjourn to the sweet shop over the road for a six penny special ( an ice cream soda). I lived in Stroud Green at the time and it only took me 5 minutes to walk to school. Keevans was the place to go for uniforms. We used the one in Crouch End. I couldn't say if it was over priced or not.

  • Mr

    Hi Richard,


    Potted history – ( So much to say but keep it brief)

    Married first time round in ‘71 and found myself in Tunbridge Wells.

    Got moved with the company I worked with (Lex Service Group)) from Bexleyheath to Chelmsford in ’73.

    Met a nice lady in Chelmsford (current Mrs Doubtfire of 40 years) and settled in Bradwell Nr Braintree.

    Had 2 children in early ‘80’s and then spent a long career in the Lloyd’s of London Insurance market in the City.

    Retired at the end of 2011.

    For the last 30 years have been living at a place that may sound familiar to you – High Garrett House.

    Unbelievable, - about 3 or 4 miles away from you in Halstead (in fact, mother in law lives in Halstead just off Butler Road).

    ‘tis an extraordinarily small world............


    Ps Sid Holmes hated me at Stationers (perhaps he knew I knew you).


    Pps let me have Roger’s email pls


  • David Blackman-Wells

    Hi Richard ex resident of Park Road now living on the south coast , saw your comment about Sam Kemble I used to sing in the church choir when he was vicar is son Richard also sung in the choir with us just wondering if you have any contact with Ricky TIA