Dorothy Rynhold

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  • Richard Woods

    Hi Dorothy - Great to hear from you. Your brother was great fun as a councillor from my POV - a journalist. I was of a different political hue but he was astute, positive and very skilled. Will you contact the chap in Australia and let him know?



  • Richard Woods

    I am in Halstead Essex now but after leaving Harringay in 1964 we moved around a lot. All my family left London in 64. Some to Sussex, some to Dorset, one to Gibraltar!

    I spent a few years in Cardiff and more in Norfolk before retiring. 

    In Harringay I lived in Frobisher Road. I trained as a journalist with the Hornsey Journal and my 'patch' was from  Wood Green to Manor House. So I covered both Wood Green and Tottenham Borough Councils. It was an enjoyable few years.