
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh


    Hope you're finding the site useful. Let me know if there's anything we can do to improve things and make it work better for you.

    One more new feature has just been added - a downloadable sheet with details of all recent planning applications for Harringay.

    If you want to fill the grey head & shoulders space with something, any avatar of your choice can be used. It doesn't have to be your own photo.


  • John McMullan

    I don't suppose you want to edit your original "police harassment!" post? Maybe change the heading to something like "Police accidentally break down residents door".
  • Liz

    Hi Mandy, I notice that you've left a message on the comments board in the Pursuit of health group. This may not been seen by many people. I suggest that you start a discussion in the group and it will show up on the main activity board and may be picked up more. You could also message the group using the 'send a message' button in the group.
    best wishes
  • Liz

    Sorry, Maddy. (need my glasses on)!
  • RuthE

    Hi Maddy, thanks for joining the 'pursuit of health' group. Liz is absolutely right, if you post a discussion within this group everyone will get to see it, I'm sure there will be some interest. Thanks Ruthe
  • Liz

    Hi Maddy
    Really good to meet you tonight. Hope to see you again soon, hopefully at the next drinks.
    Lets have a think on how we can get this book thing going.
  • GavK

    Hi Maddy, you are more than welcome to the bricks. I'd rather shift the lot at once if possible. If not they'll go to the tip which seems a waste. We're at home for most of Monday if that's any good ?