Anna T



United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Anna,

    Welcome to the site. Hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Liz

    Hi, Anna. Welcome and thank you for joining the Kid stuff group. Please feel free to post in the forum and if you have events that you want publicising let me know and we can put them in the calendar.
  • Helen1

    You asked about childminders. There is a wonderful childminder Anne King, who has been looking after children who go to North Harringay Primary School for years, and she is lovely with all the children. Unfortunately, she had no spaces when I needed a childminder some years ago. I don't have her contact details any more, but you could probably contact her through the school. Good luck!
  • Hugh

    Anna comments on people's pages are not private mail. To send messages to people you need to conneect to someone as a connection/friend. Once the connection is made a "send a message" icon & legend should appear under the person's picture when you look at their page. (At the moment you have me as a connection, perhaps because because I invited you to join. So you should see "send a mesage" icon under my picture when you look at my page.

    To add someone as a friend and enable private messaging, click the "add as a friend" under their picture on their page. Delete Comment
  • Anette

    Hi Anna, nice to meet you yesterday, hopefully see you again soon?
  • richwool

    Hi Anna

    Sorry to bother you but i was wondering if your cleaner was still looking for work? I'm on Umfreville and we are looking for someone to do a few hours every couple of weeks. No problem if this is too old a thread.

    Many thanks


  • Milda Rami

    Hi Anna

    Sorry to hear about your problem! We fixed our gate and try and leave it closed at all times. It still happens, e.g. when we're away on holidays and postman leaves the gate open, but it got much better. where do you live? I wonder if its the same dog...

    Good luck!