
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi there,

    Hope I didn't put you off with my nanny-like reply about the kitchen! How's your flat purchase going. Any sign of exchange yet?
  • Hugh

    That sounds like it's going to be a long one. When I moved here I sold a flat in Hornsey which was bought by a guy who was selling a large London house and planned to use my flat as his London pied a terre. So what should have been a 1st or 2nd time buyer's flat ended up at the top of his chain. Then I had the chain with this house - a mare. I thought I might help by phoning the solicitors down the chain to chivvy things along. The first one I spoke to assumed I was a solicitor too - I hadn't represented myself that way; he just made the assumption. So I carried on, not misrepresenting, but perhaps being a little less than 100% forthright. It did seem to bring things to the top of their pile somewhat and unstick the chain - but who knows, maybe didn't make a jot of difference.

    So, anyway, you have my heartfelt sympathy. You sound quite phlegmatic about it - guess it's the only way.


  • Hugh

    Annoying American crap or a morality tale fro house-buyers? http://upchucky.net/~upchucky/flash-fun/farmer-donkey.swf
  • Hugh

    I'm so sorry. I owe you an apology. I duplicated your heat loss discussion and stuck mine of the main page - tchh, men!

    What happened was that I had the forums feature set up to only show featured discussions (ones which I chose) on the main page. I did this because I'd been using the forum architecture as a repository for dowloadable files, but I didn't want those pages to show as discussions on the main page.

    I'm still learning to drive this and it's not completely flexible unless you're deep into html programming and web design - which I'm not.

    I hadn't looked on the view all forums for a few days and was horrified to see that you'd also added a heat loss topic. So I've deleted mine, changed the forum feature to show newest topics and set up a group as another way of storing downloadable documents (You don't wanna know why - but that's the only other way round it right now).

    So, apologies again - I much appreciate your contributions and wpuld hate to put you off.

  • Hugh

    Noticed you seemd to be having problems messaging PedroK. Is the issue that you can't see the send a message icon beneath his avatar box on his page?
  • Hugh

    Thanks ea. You're absolutely right. I didn't realise before. I'm begining to learn more about how this site works from its members than from Ning.
  • Hugh

    Hi ea, thanks for starting a new group. Let me know if I can help at all - though LIz has also been through the learning ropes with Kidstuff so she's also a good source if you need to check anything out. I'll post a latest activity note and feature it on the main page.

    There seem to be loads of cyclists here. I know that "Adam" and "Matt Burge" are both nuts about cycling.



  • Birdy_Too

    Hi there sorry I didn't get back straight away, only just found out this "comment" feature on the site.

    Email me at steveburdekin@hotmail.com and I shall send you something
  • matt

    Hi ea

    We're having drinks down at The Salisbury Tues March 4th 8:30pm. A chance for people to meet up.

    Hope you can make it.
  • Hugh

    2 for the price of one on 4th. Great.
  • Liz

    Hi EA, Matt has organised the next drinks for members of this site
    at the Salisbury
    Tuesday 8th April
    8pm onwards ..
    See you there, I hope
  • Liz

    Nice to see you last night. A good discussion eh? Personally I'm hoping 'Scoop' is the next choice, it is a fab book and I would enjoy reading it again. See you soon
  • Alison P

    Hi there
    Afraid our caraway seed experiment was fairly disasterous - let's just say neither of us finished the soup! We knew we were doomed from the moment I realised that kohl rabi is pretty much a fancy swede... But thanks again for the seeds, very kind of you!
  • Alison P

    Yum, that sounds delicious. Will definately give that a try, I love carrots. Thanks.
  • Cat

    I've just done Frobisher - thanks for the spare leaflets!
  • Liz

    Hi EA I was on Alison's page and noticed you had posted a recipe, there is a group called Favourite Recipes that work it might be worth copying it to
    See you soon
  • Liz

    Thanks for the vouchers, EA, much appreciated.
  • Paul Harvey

    hiya - sory to take so long to reply, did not notice the connection request! yes - happy to chat over the phone - 07855 361673... was it freehold purchase or windows we were talking about? i forget :-)
  • Adam

    good luck, and do let me know when it is born