



Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Flower, welcome to the site. I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Angela

    Hello Flower.

    Thanks for responding! I have asked you to be a 'friend' which I think means we can send email each other off site (I've only just joined too so I am rather confused atm!)

    Hopefully speak soon.
  • Liz

    Hello, I saw your picture of VE day. I would be v interested to read your memories of that time if you were to write them up for the site. You could use the blog or put them in the History of Harringay group.
    Best wishes
  • Hugh

    Delighted to read your comment on Liz's page. I mentioned to her that you'd sent me some wonderful memories and that it would be a shame to lose them. She seems as keen as I to hear them. Another member, Stephen H, has shared a few of his.

    I posted a link to this site of the Friends Reu pages for North & South Harringay schools recently. I'm not sure how widely read the message boards are, but I hope we'll get another few ex-Haringaeites on-board that way.
  • Hugh

    Here's the link to Stephen's posting.

    Thanks for the tip on the other two schools. I'll post the link there too.
  • Liz

    Flower, I'm looking forward to reading them.
  • Chris Smith

    I've never been able to watch Babs Windsor without thinking of her screaming. A slightly different perspective to everyone else I suspect.
  • Hugh

    Good to hear from you. Hope all is well in Oz!
  • Hugh

    Good to see you're still checking in. Hope all is well Down Under.