sophie hautefeuille



Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi sophie hautefeuille ,

    Welcome to the site. Hope you find it useful / interesting. Let me know if I can help in any way.

  • Hugh

    Thanks for your note - we have another soon to be resident who's a member - going thru the whole buying process ropes a bit I think. You can see her comments on her member's page - her user name is empyrean_aisles.

  • Sophie BBARR

    I am also called Sophie, live on Lausanne Rd and am between 30 and 40. How strange!

    hello neighbour!
  • Hugh

    Hi Sophie - welcome to the Ladder. Nice and comfy for Christams I hope.

    Thanks for the info about Hornsey Station. I think it would be of interest to people if you did decide to post it. To do that, just go to the bottom of the forum links in the middle of the main page where you'll see a green cross and "Start a Discussion". Just click there.

    Have a great first Harringay Christmas.

  • John McMullan

    Re: fence. I think we got the wood at Jewsons over on the other side of the railway station. I usually buy stuff like that but wifey did it this time.
  • John McMullan

    Those fence panels you have alongside your house burn really well and the ash makes a good base for a garden. Sorry... I am just assuming that they're the old ones.
  • Dominic

    that's if it isn't soaking wet! Saying that its a good idea, especially as we don't have a car to go back and forth to the recycling center.. so if you see a large cloud of smoke one day....
    thanks for the info on the wooden fence. Didn't see your comment until now.
  • Alison P

    Hi Sophie
    Belated welcome to the gardening group, thanks for joining. Do add to any of the posts, or start some new ones of course!
    BYW, I remember your posts about the church up the road - hope things are a little quieter now.
  • Alison P

    Glad life is quieter now!
    I've always wanted to try a green roof on a shed but haven't actually got a shed to try it on yet - I live in hope. I am sure I have a magazine article about this though - let me know if you'd like me to find it (am sure there is lots online as well).
  • Julia Richards-Davies

    Hi Sophie

    Don't know how to reply to your email re south haringey school so found you on here.

    I don't know the exact locations and catchments but you can find out how far the furthest accepted pupil was last year through the council admissions booklet (also online I think), and this will give you some idea how far out you are. This also tells you how many families appealed, how many got thro etc. The council are usually pretty helpful if you call them too.
    Hope this helps.