Julia Richards-Davies


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Julia,

    Welcome to Harringay Online. I hope you'll find it useful. To get a basic idea of what's what and for a few pointers on using the site, click here. Do let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to try and answer them.

    To get some sense of what’s new on the site recently, you can read our latest weekly update. Scroll up this page and in the right hand column you’ll see a link for Latest Newsletter.

    To leave a comment for anybody, either click on comment back, if replying to a comment left on your page, or visit the person’s page.

    We have a Harringay Online Wiki. It's quite early days yet but we're gradually building it up as what we hope will be a valuable information source for locals. Anyone is most welcome to create pages or edit existing ones.

    If you'd like to follow the site on Twitter, visit our Twitter page. Become a fan If you’re on Facebook, why not become our fan on Facebook and, please join our Harringay, Haringey Flickr group here.

  • Hugh

    Sorry Julia. We very occasionally get spammers join the site. Without putting up barriers which would put off everyone from joining, we do our best to stay vigilant and get them zapped asap..

    Yesterday's “Cynthia” was particularly aggressive and we had to keep on blocking her. We even raised the security bar higher for the weekend. Every time she came back we had her zapped within, at worst, 30 mins. Any comments she left on members’ pages were also zapped. So we're doing our best.

    As to what you can do about it, there are two choices, neither of which offers a perfect solution I'm afraid:

    1. Your privacy options (http://www.harringayonline.com/profiles/profile/privacySettings) allow you to require approval before any comments made by other members appear on your page. This won't stop you getting the email alerts when someone leaves a comment for you though.

    2. You have quite a lot of choices as to which email notifications you get. This can be controlled, via your settings page (http://www.harringayonline.com/page/controlling-emails-from). However, the problem with using this method to deal with spammers' comments is that you filter out the good stuff as well as the bad. This means that you may miss out on real messages from people you'd like to hear from or messages from us. :o(.

    Our aim is to keep the inevitable spam to a minimum (and we think were doing a pretty good job) and hope that members will bear with us when a spammer does get through.

    99.9% of the time it's pretty easy to recognise a spammer. They're usually pretty crude. We hope that members will treat occasional spam messages in much the same way as they’d treat an occasionally noisy patron in a cafe they're visiting. Just ignore them, unless of course they get too much! (Remember, none of the spammers can get your email address.)

    And you can rest assured that behind the scenes we're busily working away to keep you free from hassle.

    Hope that helps.

    All the best,
