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Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Annie, welcome to the site. Hope you find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Hugh

    Well, welcome on board. Mrs E is Liz on this site. You'll notice from her page that her litter issue is as well honed here as it is on Flickr. Good to have you on board.
  • Liz

    hello, welcome to the site. My blog on this site explains my litter obsession on Flickr...although I do take pics of nice things in Harringay too (have you seen the Harringay online Flickr pool, Harringay, Haringey? There's a link on the nav bar above.) I used to live on Endymion, nice views!
  • AnnieH

    Hi Liz, thanks for your note. My boyfriend is Nigel Lupton (Luptonn on Flickr) and he introduced me to you on Flickr as I have a similar fixation with litter and general anti-social behaviour. I now do my own litter "pick-ups" as I was getting really frustrated with the amount of rubbish on our road and Green Lanes, but it's been great to join this site and find out that I'm not alone in wanting Harringay to be a prettier and more welcoming place to live. We moved to Endymion Road from Archway 2yrs ago and love the flat (indeed the view over the park from our Lounge/bedroom are wonderful!), but it's taken a bit of time to get to know people in the area so I'm looking forward to getting involved in local community activities through the site. Off to have a look at the groups you mentioned on Flickr...
    Bye for now! x
  • wholepint

    Hello! Just wondering about your War Child Music logo as I currently do web stuff for them... have we met?
  • wholepint

    Ah, cool, I was at that! :)
  • wholepint

    Yeah, not as many as I'd like due to disorganisation and lack of funds! Was at Rise on Sunday and I'm off to the Latitude Festival this coming weekend, which looks to be good...
  • wholepint

    Ah, I'm catching up with an old friend this evening, so won't be there this month! Will try and make next month's though. Enjoy Latitude!
  • Birdy_Too

    Good to meet you and your fella last night, I don't know too many people from the "south side" of the Ladder. Hope your meeting this morning wasn't to much of a struggle after the G&Ts.
  • Liz

    Good to meet you both as well. I have been really surprised at how much I have struck a cord with my blog ramblings and its great that more and more people are doing something about it. See you soon
  • Anette

    Hi Annie, great to meet you too. And yes, would be useful to know what you find sash-wise. I'd love to block out the drunks at night! :)
    See you at the next one.
    A. x
  • John D

    You too Annie. Was made to feel very welcome. Going to be hard to maintain my Mr Grumpy act now :-)
  • RuthE

    Hi Annie, sorry to hear your in the same boat as me re-FF. I'm not the only person to be totally mislead by them. If I had known about the 12 mth business I would have probably not have joined up knowing that I was on the verge of losing my job at the time. I might try and get some more advice about it. Hope to see you friday!
  • RuthE

    I'll probably be in there about 9.30ish. Thats interesting about the signing the contract before seeing the terms! As I've been a member of Virgin Active for some years, I was hyper aware of the issue of canceling gym memberships because at VA its a 3 month notice which I thought was a bit of cheek so when i joned FF i remember specifically asking how much notice I had to give if I need to cancel and he told me one month. This was verbal so I don't have any written proof, I signed the contract in good faith that he was telling me the truth. Since joining FF I lost my job and dont think much of their classes, mainly because the studio is too small and the standard of trainers not as good as what I'm used to at VA. (I asked several times for a tour of the gym before I joined up but because they were behind with the work nobody could see the inside the gym) If I'd seen the size of the studio that alone would have put me off from joining.
  • Gaia

    Hi Annie, thanks for coming it was nice to meet you.
    I am including the information about the classes below so you can decide if you might be able to make it.
    Hope to see you soon.

    Charleston Dance Class
    4 week class, once a week starting Thursday, 16th of October, 2008

    In this 4 week class we will focus on laying strong foundations in the language Charleston. Strengthen your style, your moves and your dance confidence. By the end of this class you'll have a solid grasp of Charleston rhythm & musicality, and a grab bag of moves that you can pull out on any dance floor. This dance will have you smiling, sweating, and wishing for more!
    This is a partner dance, but singles are more than welcome.

    If you have experience with Lindy Hop, Swing, or any other style of dance this class will be a fantastic follow up to brush up on your Charleston moves, meet some new people and get that practicing in.

    Location: The Salisbury, Harringay
    1, Grand Parade, Green Lanes, London, N4 1JX

    For more details and to register please e-mail:
    or call Gaia: 07882753215

    £25.00 per person

    4 Week Beginners Charleston Dance Class

    Here is an outline for the course and what we will be covering over the 4 weeks:

    Week one, Thursday Oct. 16th:
    - The history of Lindy Hop, Charleston and other social dances
    - The language of dancing
    - Charleston basic

    Week two, Thursday Oct. 23rd:
    - Charleston basic
    - Frame
    - Movement exercises for trust building in dance
    - Musicality

    Week three, Thursday Oct. 30th:
    - Charleston including Tandem, side-by-side, front to front
    - Charleston turns

    Week four, Thursday Nov. 6th:
    - Putting the moves together
    - Charleston turns
    - Review of last three weeks
  • Alison P

    Great, I think my lesson was with him - really nice guy. The bit I found hardest was when you have to cycle straight at him and do an emergency stop!! Be warned!
  • Anette

    Hey Foul (I wanted to be Foul!!), it might have been the the booze, but I can be persuaded to come along on a week-end to give it a go. You have to organise me though.. Let me know when. OUCH!
    Love Posh
  • RuthE

    Hi Annie, FF agreed to 'freeze' my membership temporarily. Its not the perfect solution and I'm still in the 12 month contract but better than nothing. It will certainly take the pressure off me of a while. Have you had any progress with yours?
  • f1nsburyparker

    I've been around here for 15 years or so I guess. My wife's lived here all her life.
  • Sapphireblue

    Oh no - that's a shame as they were disappointed with the turn out which is usually good and you would have been welcomed in enthusiastically at whatever time you arrived - tis not pedantic like that. there was a half horu break for food and wine (free) and then after one other I was on. My poems seemed to go down well and make everyone laugh, so I was quite pleased. You can catch up on YouTube - I'll explain how by email..
  • Office of David Lammy MP


    Thanks for adding us as a friend. Look forward to seeing you on here soon.


  • Hugh

    Omigod, everyone's going Chismatar-mad!
  • Liz

    Ho, ho ho. Like the Christmas theme!
  • Liz

    There is no such thing as over the top Christmas decoration. Brilliant!
  • Hugh

    Ya think I should?
  • Alison P

    Thanks, we enjoyed it (though some of the stalls were a little sad I thought!) and you made John's day by solving his xmas present problem (which seems to get worse every year as his god-daughter gets older).

    The theatre was absolutely amazing. It is amazing how dealing with something that incredible just seems to be beyond the council.

    See you tomorrow?
  • Liz

    I've elfed and its on my page. It looks a bit too much like genuine barn dances that I have attended for my liking, Wish I could still cartwheel like that!
  • Alison P

    Hope you feel better soon. I was up and about today for the first time since Sunday!
  • Martha

    Thanks Annie - they are indeed my hands, recently decorated for my brother's wedding. The nails are real too, you should hear the words that come out of my mouth when one breaks!!
  • rahman

    Hi Annie,

    I just realised today that you sent me a message back in April! Sorry for the dealy - its not often that i check my page as i dont expect any messages!

    We got a quote from decoracus which we were very pleased with and they're going to start work in July, hopefully. Birdie has mentioned how good they are and they come across as very professional, so they seemed a safe bet!
  • RuthE

    Hi Annie nice to hear from you. Just sent you an email with my contact details. See you soon.X
  • Anette

    Thanks Annie, It's in my diary, so will do my best!
  • Hugh

    Very pretty. You're dreaming of a camp Christmas?