Gina Adamou


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    I would like to invite you to join the group
    Action on Housing
    as chair of the HMO working group. We would like to hear about how the group is set up and what it aims to achieve.
    Look forward to hearing from you
  • Liz

    Thank you for your response. Would it be possible to let us know who sits on the group, how often it meets and how long its time frame is?
    Many thanks
  • Hugh

    Hi Gina,

    Since 1972, eh. You must have some stories to tell. Great to see you contributing.

  • Hugh

    Thank you for updating your profile Gina. Your passion and care for Harringay is well noted and I thank you for your hard work and dedication over the past many years!
  • PeterPiper

    Hello Gina,

    I received a leaflet from the Harringay Labour team yesterday in which it said that there was to be a consultation regarding proposals to allow a 5-a-side football complex in Finsbury Park on March 6th & 7th. The original proposals said that the consultation would be in April. I went to FP both today & yesterday because I wished to take part in the consultation, but found no evidence of anybody from Parks or Recreation conducting said consultation. Could you please clarify the situation.
    Peter Piper
  • Gina Adamou

    Hi, the information I was given was that the consultation would take place 6/7 March 2010 at the Finsbury Park. I do not know what went wrong; I am trying to find out and will come back to you as soon as possible.

    Cllr. Gina Adamou
    Harringay Ward