Harringay SNT

United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    Thanks for this Glyn. Will post your response in the for forum. Am going to add you as a friend so we can communicate less publicly
  • Anna T

    Hi Glyn
    Not sure if this is the private mail. Thank you so much for looking into this. All the emails and stats are reassuring. Now, the may be some mixed up with the day as my husband (who spoke to our neighbour) is not a 100% sure so it could be last Sunday as someone else suggested. I am going away for a long weekend but my husband will try to get hold of our neighbour and get the details you need. It may not be before early next week. Will be in touch shortly. Anna
  • Liz

    Glyn, are there any personal safety classes running at the moment? Perhaps you could let us know via the Mugging in Seymour Road post when the next ones are?
  • John McMullan

    Glyn, if anyone on here should have a blog it should be you. That word document that you posted today is perfectly suited to being a blog and I can assure you, it would be the most read blog on this site.
  • Alison P

    Hi Glyn
    Re your post about HMOs. 85 Seymour Rd is now a house again, despite the doorbells!
  • John McMullan

    OK, so I probably owe you a beer for that. Surveys of one are almost always rubbish.
  • WightmanPaul

    Has anyone else had their front window shot at in the last week or so?
  • John McMullan

    Please have a look at this post. Any advice you can give will be much appreciated.
  • Margaret Fowler

    Drugs do change hands along Green Lanes and in the carpark by McDonalds. There are a few young women who are a bit shabbily dessed and a few men in suits but not smartly so.They are often carrying cans of beer as well. I don't like to type cast people, but from experience, it's not too difficult to spot someone on drugs or alchohol but I wouldn't want to judge whether they are actually offering it around.
  • TTTH

    I am disappointed by the police response to the incident on Endyemion Rd as detailed in 999 call, to follow up call with tina at Harringay Ward (Police?), message on this website and email to SNT. The description has been detailed in 999 call and also to Tina. I also gave references to the incident to SNT but there has been no follow up. As a resident I am concerned about crime in my area and particularly homophobic abuse. I've done all I can and it's frustrating that I have to repeat all this information or that the met police seem to be taking it so lightly. I hope to get a more reassuring response soon.
  • Michelle Lacy

    Hi Glyn
    Noitced that 98 Hewitt Road recently had additional gas/electricity meters added to the front of the house (making 5 in total). I wondered if was classified as an HMO (or a un/legal conversion) but it was not on your HMO list on HoL.
  • Alison P

    Hi Glyn
    I'm Anette's next door neighbour on Seymour Road and just wanted to let you know that things seem to be starting (?) to get a bit out of control again in the HMO opposite us. There was a huge amount of commotion yesterday evening (from around 10.00 til 12.15 or so). My husband called the police who said they would get in touch with whoever was in the area. It seems to centre around one of the female residents and a friend of hers. As always, at wits end about what to do - it always seems at its worst in the summer when it is so hot. I'm going to call Limelight and complain but that is just to give me chance to vent!
  • Pasky

    Sorry Glyn pressed the discussion button by mistake.
  • matt

    Hello Glyn

    Trucks over 7 ton using Falkland Rd on Sat 20th Sept;

    (1). 4 Haringey council refuse trucks (not picking up refuse but using road as short cut)
    (2). Jewsons flat bed delivery truck

    Would appreciate MPS contact to relevate managers.

    Thank you
  • Liz

    How about Friday at about 10.30? I have to do some stuff at SHI school for an hour but will be back by then.
  • John McMullan

    Re: the artic and pedestrian on Green Lanes... I'd be interested to know if you're going to prosecute the driver. I understand that the pedestrian may have stepped out onto the road when others may not have but all the same, heavy price to pay.
  • Margaret Fowler

    We've just had our first break-in at 50 Salisbury Rd for 13 years. A credit card job on the front door lock. Fortunately we'd double locked our internal fornt doors so no acess was obtained, but they damaged my door considerably.