
Comment Wall:

  • empyrean_aisles

    Hi Birdy_Too

    A little while ago you left a recommendation for Decoracus on the Tradespeople group forum. I was wondering if you'd mind showing me the work they did on your property? I know it is probably asking a lot to let someone you've never met in the real world have a look at building work done on your property! but I am fairly desperate, being new to London and not knowing any builders. If you're not keen to let a stranger into your house then I totally understand. But if you are, could you drop me a private message?

    many thanks

  • Alison P

    Hi BirdyToo,
    Thanks for joining the gardening forum.
  • matt

    Hi Steve

    There will be drinks at The Salisbury, Tue 4th March, 8:30pm. A chance for people to meet each other. Hope you can make it. I'll put a general announcement up next week.
  • Birdy_Too

    I have put it in my 80's style Filofax and shall be present. Cheers Matt
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Steve,
    Good to see you last night.
    I don't wish to have a row with you, but I think you are being a little disingenuous regarding the LCSP.
    Hugh has posted their last two meetings in the 'Calendar' box, and from there you can find a link to a post from the LCSP written in September 2007 explaining it's remit, and inviting people to attend its meetings.
    Regarding my apparent hypocrisy in using the facilities at the Salisbury, I have replied to the OAE application, submitted by Punch Taverns plc supporting their application to stay open until 1.00am on Fri/Sat & Sat/Sun, but suggested that they restrict their hours until 11.30pm on all other evenings save Bank Holidays etc. which I think is in line with the Salisbury, Beconsfield & Garden Ladder. The application doesn't ask for a 24 hour licence, but to be permitted to open from to 1.00am the following day, 7 days per week.
    Whatever the LCSP might or might not have done in terms of objection I have little idea, my objections are those as a resident who lives 8 doors away.
    See at St Paul's Hall on Thursday 13th
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Steve,
    It was a great game, and fortunately there were no betting licences to be objected to at the Civic Centre this time, so I wasn't going to miss it, not even for the inaugaural HOL social evening!
    I think you're probably correct in saying that compromise will be achieved at the OAE, and that's what I've suggested in my letter. The awkward thing about it all is that the application has not been made by Dave, but by the freeholder Punch Taverns plc, and were the conditions to be granted in full ie if no objection is made, then there would be nothing to stop them opening for 15 hours a day, with live music etc. every day etc. and there is very little soundproofing down there, just glass walls. I don't think these licences can be granted for a trial period unfortunately, and I agree with you that the overheads would be exorbitant if they tried to open for 15 hours per day, but conglomerates don't always operate like that if they are attempting to gain market share etc.
    Did you find the link to the LCSP, BTW?
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Steve,
    Thought you might be interested to know that following a call to the Licensing Team, I learnt that none of the pubs on Green Lanes have a 24hr licence, including the Salisbury and they've all had conditions imposed on their original applications. I didn't inquire any further as too what they were though.
  • Liz

    Since I am fond of straight talking northerners (having married one), have sent a friend request.
  • Liz

    Sent you a message, look in your inbox.
  • John McMullan

    I was thinking of starting a dog owners group on the site BUT I don't have a dog. Do you think it's a good idea?
  • John McMullan

    Just make it dog owners. I bet half those cyclists jump red lights. Thanks, I think it would be pretty cool and more positive that moaning about the shit and the pit bulls. I am just left dreaming of owning a Whippet. I dreamed about my current bike for two years and this laptop for 5 before I got them so who knows.
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Birdy2,
    Hugh tells me that your'e a Mac user. I've been havin' big problems since yesterday morning with mine. Basically when I open up HOL Safari crashes. I've emptied the cache, history & reset Safari but all to no avail. I'm logged on in Safari but can't log out. It seems to have a problem loading all the stuff from the RH side of the page. Any clues? Hugh says youv'e had problems in the past.
    I'm sending this from an ancient Windows 98 machine.
  • matt

    Hi BT

    I have a HOL 'My page' question which I'm asking you because I noticed you managed to upload an image to your 'page header'. I've tried several times to no avail. Help appreciated! Ta
  • matt

    Cheers mate. I got something up but ning basically comes with no image editing which makes it tricky.
  • PeterPiper

    Hi Birdy,
    A frustrating evening trying to get this thing working, but early in the morning some measured success as you can see. My problem is linked to google being blocked by my firewall. To get it to work, I have to disable the firewall, same for google. I downloaded Firefox after frustration with Safari but that has the same firewall problem with Google. It's a bit weird, I think it's linked to a security update I did from Mac the other day. One last shot I've thought of, to update the firewall s.ware.... we'll see Firefox seems cool though, thanks.
  • Alison P

    Hello Birdy2 - I think I saw you at the pool this morning? I remember your face from the drinks a week or so ago. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Hope your kids enjoy the pool - early days with Fred but he seems pretty happy with it.
  • Alison P

    Great isn't it. This was only our second session but Fred seems to be enjoying it (most of the time anyway, he seems to hate being on his back in the water)).
  • Birdy_Too

    What time is your lesson, is it your little girl you take? Oh and remember no swimming this Sunday.

    Fred loves it now, I had to get in with him on the first lesson but we managed to bribe him after that : )
  • Liz

    B2, is the below comment meant for someone? Should it be on their page?
  • Liz

    Sent my email via message above
  • Liz

    Thanks, nice pizzas from P John's but a bit pricey...ha ha, now I sound like my mother. I guess we all turn into our parents...
  • Liz

    B2, isn't it time you started an Allison Road group?
  • Andrew


    Andrew here (Polly's dad) I'm looking for someone who can do some printwork and DVD menu design for me next week. is this your sort of bag? I have a DVD I'm delivering for a client and need to design the sleeve, face and 12 menus for it (the menus will all be variations of one design) it's pretty corporate. Do you do this? Would you like to? and do you have a daily rate?

    I would need everything delivered as photoshop files. I will author and encode the DVD.

    Let me know.

  • John McMullan

    Ask any New Zealanders that know me and they will tell you that I am a bogan and not really "middle class". Rugby in New Zealand is not a posh sport, everybody plays it. Christchurch is full of skin heads and I don't like going out there either - it is scary and there is trouble every night. I didn't mention racism in football, I know it's worse in rugby (here anyway). I've watched a lot of rugby games and in every fight between an islander and a white person, the islander went to the bin.
    When is a good time to do this printing thing? I am back from the circus now and the kids should be asleep shortly.
  • John McMullan

    Text me what number allison you are.
  • Birdy_Too

    Haven't got your number? I have emailed it to you
  • AnnieH

    Really good to meet you too. I had a great night. Like Tom mentioned earlier, Nige and I were full of local pride (and Gin!) when we were walking home. I think this site is doing such a great job in bringing all of us together - I am officially addicted and in true addict stylie I'm now off to join the Mum's (and not Mums!) group. Like the idea of more monthly drinks in the Salisbury! :o)
    Have a good day Birdy.
    P.s. Meeting went ok and now preparing for the next one :o(
  • Liz

    B2, is this a mental idea? How about turning some of your knowledge of the smaller London footie clubs around Harringay into a Wiki article. I was interested to read your response to the fantasy footie post and it occurred to me that it could be expanded into a short piece for the HOLwiki. Mental? Good?
  • RuthE

    Hi Birdy 2 sending emails from homecomputer doesnt seem to be working I'll try and send again later. Ta
  • John McMullan

    Hey... are we doing the hoodies?
  • PeterPiper

    Hey mate. Remember I said I would be away for the meeting with David Lammy? Can you still remember the question I wanted answered about how he voted in the HoC during the passage of the Gambling Act 2005? Feel like still giving it an airing? Ciao
  • Lucy Whitman

    Hallo Birdy Too

    I think you are the person who is trying to create non-plastic shopping bags for Harringay? I tried to leave a message before to introduce you to the Sustainable Haringey Consumer Lifestyles group who have also been working on alternatives to plastic bags, but I never heard anything back. The people in the group have done a lot of work on sourcing sustainable materials etc and I am sure they would love to hear about your initiative. The contact person for the group is Pat Ayinde, 07957 419 097 or at

    This is their webpage:

    Hope that is useful

    Lucy Whitman
  • Mark Thorpe

    Birdy been trying for ages to try to do the 'request to become friends' thing on line - trying to contact you about Tues as discussed at HDads. maybe 8.15 -9.15. just for that quick starter. I'm on 07870121978 if you could text me? or
  • RuthE

    Hi Birdy, do you still need jars? I got a few I could bring on Tuesday.