Lucy Jaffe

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Welcome Lucy. I hope you find the site useful / interesting. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Feel free to post away as you will.

  • Liz

    Hello, we met at the PSA meeting.
    Would you be interested in joining the Kid stuff group?
    It's for sharing information about kids (0 -12) activities, suggesting ways to improve things for parents, perhaps setting up toy, book or clothes swaps, anything child related really. Current discussions include the use of real nappies and pre-schoolactivities in Winter, please come and start some more!
    Also, if you know of anyone else on the site who you think might be interested I'd appreciate it if you could pass this invite on.
  • Liz

    Hi, Liz from school. Wonder if you would be able to give us a bit of info about the plans to 'green' the passage that you mentioned in the meeting. The charmingly titled forum 'Dog Shit' is showing some interest in this
  • Lucy Jaffe

    Last year the parents and staff at South Harringay School started a garden in a the tiny slip area east of the Mattison and Pemberton Harringay Alley. You can see the tyres and planters there at the moment.
    We have plans and activity this year to produce lots of veg and flowers from this spot.
    We also have a bid into the BBC Breathing Places fund to extend the green garden along the railings and under the huge plane trees so that the children can enjoy more green in the playground, and possibly a small boggy area and benches. Also we will be growing plants up the railings and, if permitted, over the passageway to create a green arches. Also bat boxes and wildlife areas to increase bugs and bats in our rather arid patch.
    Last year the garden produced enough tomatoes for the whole school several times over.
    Let me know what you think.