
Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Welcome to the site Richard. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Hugh

    Probably the best ways to keep people informed of things are
    1. Via the forum (start a discussion vis the green cross link at the bottom of the discussions panle on the main page or the top of the forum page).
    2. Via the Forthcoming local events page - see the navigation panel on the left of the main page. If you post here it's as well to put a note in a forum post pointing to your post since the forum is the more often read part of the site.

    Where you're posting about events which are somewhat in advance you may want to post a reminder on the forum closer to the event.

    Hope that helps. If you need more, let me know.

  • Liz

    Richard, sorry if your discussion about parking bays wasn't quite what you had in mind. My fault I think. There is opposition to their removal by parents at South Harringay School and I have promised them that I will speak to a councillor at LCSP about it this Thursday. Let me know if you want to add anything.
  • Liz

    My daughter started in the nursery this year. One of the nursery parents was collecting signatures on a petition and is writing to the council. I mentioned your post to her and she said pretty much the same thing only adding that other groups use the school as well such as the swimmers and those attending English classes. I think the school opened the car park for Saturday users but there are issues around security, doing that, I would have thought. I'm not sure what the school itself thinks of this but the head teacher of SHJS is on here and it might be worth asking her. Do you know anyone from the Church?
  • Liz

    is the LCSP page on the website, btw.