Michelle Lacy


Comment Wall:

  • Hugh


    Hope you're finding the site useful. Let me know if there's anything we can do to improve things and make it work better for you.

    One more new feature has just been added - a downloadable sheet with details of all recent planning applications for Harringay.

    If you want to fill the grey head & shoulders space with something, any avatar of your choice can be used. It doesn't have to be your own photo.


  • Hugh

    Great to be able to put another face to a name. Is that shot in a subway?
  • Michelle Lacy

    Hi Hugh,
    Well done for setting up this site, it's providing a great forum for local people. Admittedly, I'm still learning to navigate my way around it. The photo was taken in a concrete art instillation in Ostende, though I can see it looks very much like a subway!

    I must say it's really nice to start to get to know local people and feel a sense of community developing. I've been on the Ladder for 9 years and only really know my immediate neighbours as well as quite a few friends who have also moved to the area. Have you had a good response to the site?

    Best wishes
  • Hugh

    I'm the same as you - been here for quite a few years and don't know that many people beyond the immediate neighbours - I think if you have kids, you tend to meet parents.

    I'm not really sure how to judge the response. It's been up for just over a month and there are 46 members. I think for a site of this kind, that's pretty respectable. But it's web 2.0 and I think alot of people are more at home with 1.0 (for the difference think Britanica vs Wikipedia - on the one you're fed info from the centre; the other is open source, user-generated, connected etc). People are a little wary of jumping into the new world if they're not used to it. I don't know if the need to sign up puts people off - I'm tempted to take it away then I always end up thinking I ought to stick by my guns - interactive sites with no control being out the freaks.

    The site should be in the Journal and Advertiser this week - will be interesting to see if that helps. Have also got Ian at lcsp interested - that'll help. Any suggestions for improving it most welcome. I think a big thing is selling people on its value - or understanding why it isn't perceived of as valuable to them.

    The installation look interesting - if you like that sort of thing have you heard of / seen British Artist, Anish Kapoor's installation in Chicago - amazing; the pictures on the site linked to below don't really do it justice - http://cyncity.typepad.com/cyn_city/2004/07/anish_kapoors_c_1.html