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Decision on Visitor Parking Permits

I have drafted a letter/email to my local councillors. People here might find this, or something similar, useful? Given the Cabinet meeting is on the 26th, and those 10 people will almost certainly have decided what to do about the Day Permits before that meeting, can I suggest we all email Councillors and Cabinet members as a matter of urgency?

Dear Councillor

Happy New Year!

I see that the Cabinet will consider at their meeting on 26th January whether or not to overturn the decision to abolish One Day Visitor Parking Permits, following the legally obligated Statutory Consultation.

As you know, the Full Council were not able to properly scrutinize/discuss this decision at the last Council meeting, because an error in the consultation documents meant that the Statutory Consultation was still active when the meeting took place. Given the response by residents to this decision - including a widely supported petition, and significant national and local media coverage, this was unfortunate. It has meant that our local councillors have not been given the opportunity to pass on the concerns their electors have raised, or question in public, the decision - including why and how it was taken and why it so disproportionately affects residents in the most deprived areas of Haringey.

Can I ask therefore, have the results of the statutory consultation been shared with you, as our local councillor?

Is there a process where the outcomes of that ‘consultation’ are shared with residents, before any decision is taken?

If there is no general publication of the consultation result prior to that Cabinet meeting, will you be given the opportunity to view and share these results with your constituents and make public representation to Cabinet, or have you been excluded from the process entirely?

I would appreciate your urgent response to these questions, not least because of the likely media interest on how and who will make this decision - a decision that will have significant adverse financial impact on so many residents least likely to be able to afford it.

Yours Sincerely

Tags for Forum Posts: daily parking permits, parking, visitor parking, visitor parking permits

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Replies to This Discussion

  • Anna Abela anna.abela@haringey.gov.uk
  • Zena Brabazon zena.brabazon@haringey.gov.uk
  • Gina Adamou Gina.Adamou@haringey.gov.uk

Thank you for this Niall. I sent it to my councillors (which include the Leader) and added: 

We, Wood Green Inner residents, in your Ward, have 14 hours per day, seven days per week, requiring permits. Unlike Crouch End, for example, who have 2 hours per day, five days per week.

Currently standard daily visitor permits are £5 and hourly are £1.20. If you switch us to hourly we, your residents, will have to pay £16.80 per day. As opposed to the current £5.

If hourly charges are allowed it will mean £117.60 for a week in Wood Green.

Compare with Crouch End - £1.20 x 2 x 5 = £12 for a week.

This ISN’T fair.

Yours Sincerely

While she ignored the content, she replied in 31 minutes! 

Thanks for emailing your ward councillors - and for sharing!
If the Cabinet wish to claim that the 'decision will be on whether or not to proceed' as cover for abandoning their previous decision, I'm fine with that.

The key thing is they accept the gross unfairness of abolishing visitor day permits - they can claim 'they listened', that's fine.

Hi all,

- The visitor permit decision will be discussed at cabinet on Jan 26th

The head of parking let me know that the full consultation report will be published a week ahead of the date.

Whatever the decision, there will be an opportunity for something called a 'call in', where 5 or more Cllrs (non - cabinet members) can ask for the decision to be reviewed by Scrutiny. Scrutiny (if they accept the reasons why - they usually and rightly do) will have a public meeting taking into account the views of why the decision was incorrect and recommend to Cabinet their recommendations. Or they will support the existing decision and come to Cabinet to explain why.

Then cabinet will then make a decision whether agree or disagree the recommendations.

I suggest we all email our councillors with Nialls email template above to keep the pressure up (plz also share it other groups).

Then, decision dependent, we also email councillors asking that that call in the decision on our behalf for scrutiny

They're meeting on 26th Jan? It's a Sunday.

Thanks for this Niall,

I believe Counsellors are more likely to take notice of correspondence that is not obviously duplicated so I've taken your letter, included the cost comparison from EMC2, and made an alternative version written as a resident of Wood Green Inner Zone.

I have sent this to: peray.ahmet@haringey.gov.uk, emine.ibrahim@haringey.gov.uk and khaled.moyeed@haringey.gov.uk 

Perhaps others might like to cut and paste from any version posted here to forward to their counsellors. 

Find yours here: https://www.minutes.haringey.gov.uk/mgFindMember.aspx

Dear Councillor X,

Happy New Year!

The Cabinet will soon consider whether or not to uphold the proposal to abolish One Day Visitor Parking Permits.

Due to an error in the consultation documents, the full Council was unable to properly scrutinise/discuss this proposal at the last Council meeting. Consequently, our local councillors have not had the opportunity to convey concerns raised by their constituents, or to publicly question the proposal, including why and how it so disproportionately affects residents in the most deprived areas of Haringey.

Residents in your Ward, within the Wood Green Inner Zone, require visitor permits for 14 hours per day, seven days per week. In contrast, for example, in Crouch End, visitor permits are only required for 2 hours per day, five days per week.

If One Day Visitor Parking Permits are abolished, many of your constituents living in the Wood Green Inner Zone will have to pay £16.80 per day, as opposed to the current £5. This represents a daily cost £14.40 higher than in Crouch End for Wood Green Inner Zone residents, or £105.60 more per week!

I am sure you will agree that this disproportionate charging is unfair and would impose an unacceptable burden on those residing in the Wood Green Inner Zone.

Given that parking permits are now purchased/validated digitally, there is no reason why One Day Visitor Parking Permits could not be retained in the Wood Green Inner Zone while being abolished in other areas if necessary.

Abolishing One Day Visitor Parking Permits will have a significant and adverse financial impact on many residents who are least likely to be able to afford it. Considering the strong resident response to this decision/proposal, including a widely supported petition and significant national and local media coverage, I urge you to publicly oppose the proposal to abolish One Day Visitor Parking Permits.

I would appreciate your urgent response.

Yours Sincerely,

Thanks - that's useful. I also live in Wood Green and made the point when we did the media stuff about the massive daily price increase that would result around here from discontinuing daily permits.

In a shocking update... 

peray.ahmet@haringey.gov.uk, emine.ibrahim@haringey.gov.uk and khaled.moyeed@haringey.gov.uk

have all completely ignored my emails.

No reply received.

Thanks v much for this but just checking - 26th is a Sunday.....

Oops, sorry everyone - my mistake! It's more urgent than I'd stated - the Cabinet meeting is on 21st January.

I have consulted a Councillor and am advised that the Cabinet meeting at which the decision is to be taken on the parking consultation is to be on 28th January and, further, that a report on the consultation will be published in advance of that meeting but I do not know when it will be published nor, when it is published, how to find it.

Thanks for the update Sandy!



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